There is a mixture of Delay in delivery Vaccines Pfizer It is administered in a “randomized” manner for all those who fall into the priority categories set by the government behind Tuscany region delay In fortification People over the age of 80According to the tables prepared by the Executive Authority in Rome, it is one of the most fragile categories. The governor ended up under indictment Eugenio Gianni Which, in the last few hours, first tried to dump the responsibility on General practitioners, Who was entrusted with the vaccination campaign for more than 80 years, then retreated, after the harsh response from doctors, explaining that the delay in supplies disturbed the timing provided by the region. a second Vittorio Boucherini, Secretary of the Italian Federation of Family Physicians (Fimmg) for the Province of Florence, problems should be sought instead in choosing the Pfizer vaccine in “Cashless” method With everyone who can fall into the priority categories determined by the government:We are not the problemIn time, we ran out of all doses provided – he explains – the problem is that thousands of these have been used to vaccinate some health workers and volunteers who are not even working in contact with or even sick patients. Smart work“. call him Ilfattoquotidiano.itGovernor Gianni preferred not to comment on Secretary Wimg’s remarks.
Figures for vaccinations have been released for more than 80 years in the past few hours Gymby Foundation I landed in TuscanyLast place At the Italian level. By the morning of March 25, the entire area had been fortified 29.8% of those over the age of 80 with the first dose, Last place nationwide, and 6.1% even with the second dose, ahead of SardiniaTaking into account the Italian average was 47.8% and 20.7% respectively. Figures that Gianni earlier tried to justify by clarifying that the delay was due to the decision to rely solely on family doctors, but in the following hours he attributed, backing down, to delays in supply by pharmaceutical companies: “In hindsight, it will build the best of all. Possible Worlds – Tell Al Courier service – We cannot be prophets, Today we will behave differently“.
What distinguished Tuscany in relation to other Italian regions is precisely what Gianni claimed from the start of the vaccination campaign: compliance with the discourse of government rulings. “We have followed Implications of the Ministry Who asked us to vaccinate doctors, nurses, workers in hospitals, private clinics and elderly people over the age of 80 with Pfizer – he continued in his interview – we were the first to vaccinate in Italy RSA guests. The problem is that they gave us half of the promised vaccinations, everyone working in hospitals is in danger and we’ve given Pfizer Dentists H Physical therapistsIf the vaccines had arrived, we would have vaccinated all over 80s in no time. We could not expect that the insured vaccines would not arrive. “
“ The problem – as Boscherini explains – is that the literal and uncritical application of government rulings in Tuscany means that, unlike other regions, not only have doctors, nurses, and RSA workers been inoculated with Pfizer, but all those who fall into the category of health workers or volunteers have been vaccinated Who work in transporting patients. ” This means that immunization with medicine intended for the most vulnerable groups and frontline workers are also those who deal with Cleaning, The dependent PersonsDellAdministration Inside hospitals. All persons who do not have direct contact with the sick. And those who work for it also fall into this category Smart work. I understand that these people are still working in the health context and should be vaccinated, as required by the Ministry’s guidelines, but it was possible to make some distinction and use the vaccine for people with less exposure. AstraZeneca. Thus, we find ourselves with 70% of those who are over eighty years old and have not yet received the first dose of the vaccine, while the less vulnerable groups have already begun to administer.
To complicate the situation, there is also a Tuscany peculiarity regarding the operators they deal with Transfer of patients, Is also included under the categories intended for receiving Pfizer or Modern: Across the region, this mission is being performed by:related to It is not by employees of local health authorities or private companies. “We are talking about dozens and hundreds of associations all over Tuscany – Boscherini continues – which in turn consist of dozens and dozens of volunteers. All of this may require that you be vaccinated with Pfizer. Not only those who work regularly aboard the ambulances, but also those who They may not perform this service or do it as volunteers once a week Do you understand the scale of the phenomenon? If the latter had at least been vaccinated with AstraZeneca we would have it Save thousands of potions Managed for more than 80.
The Regional Secretary agrees with Governor Gianni that the chaos resulted, first and foremost, from the delay in the supply of doses by the pharmaceutical companies: “The district has calculated that it has doubled the available doses, and thus has begun to run Pfizer for all the groups referred to, broadening the audience significantly. Great. But the delay was enough to create this situation. ”It is precisely Expanding stalls It also penalized Tuscany regarding the availability of AstraZeneca doses: “There were disagreements, for example, about Management for lawyers – Boscherini says – It’s clear that if you expand your audience too much, no matter which categories you decide to prioritize, you run the risk. So you cannot take advantage of higher doses of AstraZeneca to make A change in the raceGiving it to a fraction of workers who are less exposed and diverting Pfizer vaccines to the elderly. Now all that’s left is to wait for the new doses. I repeat that Tuscan doctors mobilized 2,500 specialists who provided availability for approximately 2,700 in all, and they managed all 95,000 doses available. So the problem is not us. Our capabilities are much greater, but the region should supply us with bottles. “
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