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Tourism, mid-August record but without the largest additional spending in the European Union

Tourism, mid-August record but without the largest additional spending in the European Union

Mid-August is positive for the holiday sector, with 25.4 million Italians vacationing, according to a survey by Coldiretti/Ixè. The results are mainly driven by sea and mountains. But it has also been marked by Covid emergencies and green lanes. However, millions of foreigners are missing, especially big spenders outside the European Union.


“We are doing well during these two weeks, at least in the sea and in the mountains, it is a message of hope but we want to specify that this cannot make up for a whole year. We lost 6 months, we started at the end of June »says Federturismo Confindustria President Marina Lalli, referring to That the great basin of international tourism is still missing.


Art cities suffer

“And indeed art cities are still in crisis – explains Lalli – luxury structures are still in crisis. Italians who also travel can’t make up for international luxury travelers. We are still suffering greatly. Now we have to see if we can leave everything behind Or we have to run in order to hide again and then our problem will become very serious.”

It’s a bonus period

«Good news also from the thermal sector – also concludes Lally – about the novelty of the thermal bonus, which is decided by the government. We don’t have the application methodology yet but this platform will be available soon for your request. The bathrooms have been restarted, certainly not yet at 2019 levels but there is a convergence. I would like to point out that there are also very useful post-Covid treatments in the spa sector and this is another sign that spas are medical treatments and not health centers.”

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“Very good Romagna Riviera, Ligurian Riviera, Northern Sardinia, Abruzzo Adriatic coast – they say from Fipe-Confcommercio – Also good for Lignano Sabbiadoro, Iesolo, Lake Garda, Salento, South Sardinia, Sorrento, Amalfi Coast, Sicilian Islands, Lazio coast And for the mountains, Trentino, Valle d’Aosta and Valtellina, the Belluno mountains and the Abruzzo hinterland. As for the cities: Bad Venice, Verona; like 2020 for Rome, Naples and Florence.”

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