This way they steal your account

    truffa account whatsapp

    State Police invite you to be careful because in this way they managed to steal your Whatsapp account. Let’s get into the details and see what we should know.

    Unfortunately, there are more and more phishing attempts being carried out through The WhatsApp.

    whatsapp account scam
    Photo © AdobeStock

    Starting with the PC, passing through the smart phone, even the tablet, there are many technological devices available to us thanks to which we can communicate at any time with friends, relatives and businesses even geographically far from us. On the other hand, there are many services available to us, such as email, SMS and instant messaging apps.

    In addition to the many advantages, unfortunately there is no shortage of possibilities Risks. Indeed, in this context, it is good to know that state police He invites you to pay attention because in this way they can stealwhatsapp account. How is that possible? Let’s get into the details and see all there is to know about it.

    Whatsapp, be careful, this way they steal your account: all you need to know

    Unfortunately, some criminals often try to exploit various tools in order to circumvent the miserable person on duty, extorting money and sensitive data. A clear example of this is a scam Fake €250 voucher from IKEA Or a non-existent online insurance.

    If all this is not enough, he will often be digitized in the crosshairs of scammers The WhatsApp. In this regard, the State Police invites you to be careful, as some malicious people are trying to exploit the Whatsapp Web function to steal the account.

    In particular through a post published on the Facebook profile of PS Online Police StationThe dynamics through which the scam in question is executed have been reported. Enter the details, please note that to activate the Whatsapp web version a Confirm the code Which is sent via SMS.

    Taking a cue from this action, the scammers during the service send a message to the victim requesting the code in question. In order to make everything more credible, they make sure that the sender of the request is one of the contacts in Address Book. If the recipient actually replies to this message, sending the requested data, you fall into the trap.

    In this way, in fact, scammers get a fileWhatsapp account of the miserable person on dutyand thus the ability to act without inconvenience and access to our personal data. But not only that, they can use our account to carry out other fraud attempts against our contacts saved in the address book.

    Whatsapp, be careful, this way they steal your account: State Police advice

    Precisely for this reason, we invite you to always be careful to avoid having to deal with unpleasant inconveniences. In particular, it is always good to remember that No contact should use our Whatsapp Web account For this reason, the fact that a message arrived with a request of this kind should raise more than a few doubts.

    In this regard, again through a special post published on the Facebook profile, the State Police Advise to:

    • do not proceed with requests to send any code, via SMS, even if they come from contacts in the address book;
    • Do not click on any links in SMS;
    • Activate the CD. 2-Step Verification is available in the Settings – Account area of ​​the app.
    • Do not share your WhatsApp verification code with other people. If someone tries to take control of your account, they will need the verification code sent to them via SMS“.
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