There is an asteroid near Earth that may not be what it seems

    Asteroide vicino alla Terra potrebbe non essere quel che sembra

    There are gods asteroids id quasi-satellite Because they always stay near a planet. Their origins are mysterious and scientists have now focused their attention on a particular space rock that always stays close to Earth. It is located around Kamu Oliwa Which moves no more than 100 times the distance from the moon. New research has revealed that this object was most likely part of our satellite and may have been thrown away from the satellite asteroid collision.

    Kamo oalewa, the asteroid near Earth

    Kamo oalewa, initially known as 2016 H03, was discovered using the PanSTARRS telescope in Hawaii. It is difficult to study because it is only wide 55-60 meters, its orbit makes it only partially visible during April, and it can only be observed with very large telescopes. Ben Sharkey of the University of Arizona collected the spectrum of an alien object and found that it is unlike any other object asteroid never seen before. At first glance, Communications Earth and Environment reports, the spectrum of Kamo oalewa looked similarsilicate activators, but when Sharkey and co-authors used longer exposure times, they found that its spectral slope clearly sloped toward red.

    Correspondence between Kamu Oliwa and the Moon

    After ruling out comparisons with particularly iron-rich asteroids, the authors found that the only match they found was with some rocks on the surface. Luna. Although scholars point out that there is not yet enough knowledge about Kamo oalewa to ascertain its origin, others have already been found. meteorites launched by Luna In the case of impacts, it is thus possible to assume that 2016 H03 could be one of these effects.

    Three smaller objects were found last year with orbits very similar to Kamo oalewa which are all believed to be pieces of a larger asteroid. It is only confirmed now Five semi-satellites, most of them orbiting Completely unstable. In contrast to these, Kamo oalewa is more stable and is expected to maintain its semi-satellite status in 300 years.

    There are many mysteries hidden in the objects that move in space. For example, NASA found two strange couples from asteroids, while another search found a strange element Half an asteroid, half a comet in the solar system. Alternatively, one study speculates that the Earth formed around a single core strange rock.

    Stefania Bernardini

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