Home sport The Women’s World Cup could generate more revenue than the men’s

The Women’s World Cup could generate more revenue than the men’s

The Women’s World Cup could generate more revenue than the men’s

According to sports publishers, women’s World Cup coverage has the potential to increase revenue, with results even higher than men’s

the Women’s World Cup They started a few days ago, and in the making Good luck to I visit And to all the FIFA Women’s World Cup teamsLet’s analyze some interesting data about Advertising revenue generated from coverage of this sporting eventWhich is gaining more and more media coverage.

Marketing and sports: not just men

Self The union between sports and marketing has always been very strongas with the Super Bowl or the European and World Men’s Soccer Championship as well The Women’s World Cup is becoming increasingly important in terms of media coverage. And sports publishers seem to have picked up on this trend, as evidenced by Advertising revenue data Related to the Women’s World Cup currently underway in Australia and New Zealand.

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Highest return for the Women’s World Cup

According to some sports publishers who cover the 2023 Women’s World Cup in various formats, such as blogs, newsletters, podcasts, social media, videos and various editorial formats, this sporting event will generate Ad earnings higher than Men’s World Cup which was held last year in Qatar. to the American community Team whistlewould be a 7-figure result – more than the Men’s Cup – e.g Highest revenue for any event in 2023, representing 15% of year-to-date revenue. According to the all-female sports media brand essenceOn the other hand, two identical events will record similar revenue. Which, given the planet’s various media coverage, is considered a great laurel at the head of women’s football.

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The telegraph against the Italian televisions

An important consequence, however, to consider Unfortunately the traditional historical inequalities that characterize world football Which they raised just a few months ago Controversy over coverage of the FIFA Women’s World Cup on Italian television stations. a j’accuse by telegrapha famous British newspaper, which under the headline “FIFA furious over women’s World Cup telecast deals after Italy offered 1pc of men’s feedenounced the TV offers are too low to broadcast the Women’s World Cupcompared to those made for the gay men’s event.

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towards equality?

It gave the idea that the water was moving GoogleWhich will be held in November 2022 in conjunction with the Men’s World Cup in Qatar, announced that it is funding a program the athlete to double Women’s sports coverage. according to the data, The Women’s World Cup will have the potential to boost publisher profits during slow times For advertising revenue, such as summer. Will the 2023 Women’s World Cup be able to represent A stepping stone to the much-vaunted equality But that, in practice, is still struggling to establish itself at full capacity? The marketing world has the data on hand to prove that if managed well, the goal is possible.

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