The United States and Germany permanently cancel Covid: the state of emergency no longer exists

    The United States and Germany permanently cancel Covid: the state of emergency no longer exists

    off to all restrictions As if covid is no longer there. I decided so United States and Germany, who say goodbye to any remaining anti-virus rules. And so, pandemic season is fully archived from before Berlin and Washingtonwho are now considered Covid a Endemic virus It can be easily treated, like the common flu.

    Merit, according to the Biden and Schulz governments, for the vaccination campaign, which would have greatly reduced the effects of the disease from COVID-19, but also to the circulation of the virus itself within the population. In short, they now consider themselves the vast majority of citizens Protected from the most dangerous effects.

    Covid, the end of restrictions in Germany

    There are no longer restrictions in Germany related to the coronavirus. Then it is no longer there Mask use is mandatory inside doctors’ offices, rest homes and hospitals. The obligation to show a negative test before entering medical facilities has been dropped for a month and now Other restrictions also disappear.

    According to the federal government The epidemic has now been overcome And also “With successLast fall, the latest changes to the Code Protection from infection She expected the restrictions to end after Easter, but also established that if the situation deteriorated, the restrictions would come into effect emergency tools. However, this did not happen, making these tools unnecessary.

    The US decision on the Covid emergency

    Similarly you will say the United States Goodbye to the epidemic emergency. US President Joe Biden has signed into law the law that puts an end to the state of emergency across the country. as specified before White HouseTherefore, all regulations and rules are taken from 2020 It will stop permanently from May 11th.

    When will the latest Covid restrictions be lifted in Italy?

    In Italy, the remaining liabilities relate to containment of the virus It will definitely expire after that April 30th. Therefore, from May 1, it will no longer be necessary to wear a mask to get to doctors’ offices, rest homes and hospitals. However, it is likely to remainIndication for the use of protective devices in certain cases: pulmonary departments, for example, or structures that help very weak patients, possibly those with problems cancerous.

    At this moment, then, they’re hanging on even June 30, 2023 Fines (from 100 euros) for over 50 years of age who have not complied with the obligation to vaccinate. However, on the subject of isolation, the asymptomatic, after a five-day stay-at-home period following the positive swab, can be discharged again without negative test. If you are positive and there are symptoms, you should wait At least two days after the disappearance of symptoms.

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