Home World The Trump campaign manager tests positive for COVID-19

The Trump campaign manager tests positive for COVID-19

The Trump campaign manager tests positive for COVID-19

President TrumpDonald John Trump campaign director tested positive for COVID-19, as Trump gave Remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19 infection ICE launched a billboard campaign highlighting “ immigration violators in general. ” MoreHis campaign confirmed that campaign manager Bill Stephen tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday.

Stephen is the last official close to Trump to have contracted the virus, and his diagnosis came on the same day that the president, first lady and many people who were around the president tested positive this week.

The campaign said Stephen, 42, had mild flu-like symptoms and had been quarantined. He is expected to continue working from home.

The president’s campaign manager flew aboard Air Force One with Trump and a group of other aides in the presidential debate on Tuesday. He was spotted riding a truck with the White House aide Hope HicksHope Campaign Director Charlotte Hicks Trump tests positive for COVID-19 Trump who gave Remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19 infection, Kellyanne Conway tests positive for COVID-19 More, Who tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday.

A positive Stephen test reflects how quickly the highly contagious virus has spread and how far it has spread among the president’s top aides. Other people who have traveled with the president include New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and chief campaign advisor Jason Miller, the White House chief of staff. Mark MeadowsTrump campaign director Mark Randall Meadows tests positive for COVID-19 memo: Trump grapples with a credibility gap in overnight healthcare crisis: President Trump has coronavirus More And the former mayor of New York City Rudy GiulianiCampaign Director Rudy Giuliani Trump tests positive for COVID-19 Fallout from the Coronavirus Trump: Those in his circle who test positive for COVID-19 Trump raises fears of spread: Here’s who he met last week More. They all tested negative on Friday or were awaiting results.

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Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) Rona McDanielRona Romney McDaniel, Trump campaign manager showing positive result for COVID-19 Chris Wallace: Trump arrived too late to be tested in Ohio prior to debate, and relied on “honor system” Hill Campaign Report: Trump’s diagnosis of COVID-19 overturns 2020 race | Biden pushes ahead with campaign | Senate presses ahead with Supreme Court nominee hearings more The test result was also positive this week, although it was not announced until Friday.

Stephen’s diagnosis is a blow to the campaign, which has already faced an uphill battle in the last 30 days up to Election Day. Trump succeeds the Democratic candidate Joe BidenTrump’s campaign manager Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Twitter to remove posts hoping for Trump’s death, Obama sends best wishes to Trump, and hopes he’s “ on his way to a quick recovery. ” More In national polls, and in polls in major swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The race is very close in places like Florida and North Carolina, which are crucial to Trump’s re-election chances.

The chief who was Taken to Walter Reed Earlier Friday, he would be sidelined from the campaign trail as he recovered from the coronavirus, eliminating large rallies that had traditionally been a boon to voter enthusiasm but had come under scrutiny amid the pandemic.

The Trump campaign announced on Friday that it will be delaying or moving all of the president’s scheduled trips to virtual platforms. Previously planned events with the Trump children, who are prominent campaign agents, have also been postponed.

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Vice President Pence, who has tested positive for the Coronavirus, will continue his campaign, and other campaign events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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