Home World The strategy of tension between Israel and Netanyahu led to the failure...

The strategy of tension between Israel and Netanyahu led to the failure of talks over the formation of an anti-Likud government. Now Bennett is looking for a deal with the prime minister.

  The strategy of tension between Israel and Netanyahu led to the failure of talks over the formation of an anti-Likud government.  Now Bennett is looking for a deal with the prime minister.

The crisis between Israel e Gaza Also explode in the political scene to Jewish state. In fact, it appears that he is destined to destroy the potential agreement to form Anti-Netanyahu government Between the leader of the opposition and the leader of the Wasat Party, Yesh Atid, Yair LapidAnd a right-wing formation leader, Naftali Bennett. distance After they broke the potential agreement with the election winnerThe outgoing Prime Minister and Likud leader, Benjamin NetanyahuNow, conservative and nationalist proponents have announced that he has also split from Lapid, who was appointed by the president a week ago Reuven Rivlin To form a majority allowing the formation of a new executive body, after that Fourth election in two years.

nothing ‘The government of change’, and then. An executive of this nature, Citing the media, Bennett explained, is “Out of question”. According to the same sources, Right Conversations will resume with Likud By Netanyahu. Then pay Hard punch From Baby With the Palestinian residents, who clashed with the police because of Upcoming evictions in the neighborhood Sheikh JarrahIn East Jerusalem, and with extremist groups from the Gaza Strip, Hamas e Islamic jihad In the head, which had been facing an army days ago Tel Aviv, Between launches Rockets e Air strikes. This is because Bennett’s decision is linked, as the media has shown, specifically with the increasing violent unrest between Palestinians and Jews and the possibility of supporting the Lapid government from abroad by Arab parties.

While waiting for Lapid’s move, he called to assemble at least 61 seats Necessary to control the majority The Knesset Or to put its exploration mandate in the hands of the president Tension strategy Netanyahu could represent, as in the past, a positive turning point for his premiership and Likud. It remains to be seen whether, in the event of a new exploratory mandate, he will be able to remove the distance separating him from his former defense minister. After the failure of talks with his former prime minister, Bennett made it clear that “Netanyahu’s proposal is incomprehensible. I did not ask for the prime minister, but a government. This is not his.” He added that this is because of the Zionist religious party Bezalel Smotrich, A Likud satellite, “burned bridges” for a right-wing government “supported” by an Arab Islamist party Mansour Abbas. “As I always told him – President Yamina urged – I am at Netanyahu’s disposal as long as he can do Right-wing governmentA government without Arabs, then, to avoid the fifth elections in two years: But if it fails, “we will try to make National unity government“.

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