Home World The Slovenian Prime Minister was forced to apologize

The Slovenian Prime Minister was forced to apologize

The Slovenian Prime Minister was forced to apologize

Rota vs Jansa. A tweet that sparked a chorus of criticism yesterday afternoon turned into a diplomatic incident. Yanez GanchaThe Slovenian Prime Minister and current President of the Council of the European Union criticized a series of politicians, mostly Dutch, accusing them of being “puppets of Soros”. He read the tweet “They are in the European Parliament” and it was removed a few hours later. He also ended up on the Slovenian Prime Minister’s ban list Hans van PalenDutch politician died on April 29.

An attack the Dutch Prime Minister did not like at all Mark Rutte, who condemned “with the utmost firmness” the “tweet of bad taste”. “The (Dutch, ed.) government has just conveyed this sentiment to the Slovenian ambassador in The Hague,” added the Liberal Prime Minister, announcing the recall of a diplomat in Ljubljana. Then Dutch diplomatic sources confirmed the clash.


Jansa attack targets .’s alleged network of friendships George Soros, a naturalized Hungarian and American businessman, as well as the founder of the Open Society, a network of organizations that promote an open society, advocate for minority rights, and for the development of democracy in Eastern Europe. An area of ​​interest that has clashed several times in recent years with the most popular politicians from the Visegrad Group formed by Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Slovenia recently joined the anti-Soros positions under Jansa’s leadership.


“We urgently request a Yanez Gancha To stop provocations against members of the European Parliament,” was the warm response of the President of the Euro Chamber. David Sassoli. “Attacks on members of this house – added Sassoli in a tweet, are also attacks on European citizens.” The President also stressed that “constructive cooperation with the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union” requires “mutual trust and respect”.

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Jansa’s second exit Fabio Massimo Castaldo Five-star movement is a shame. “We express our solidarity and closeness to our colleagues who have fallen victim to this despicable and despicable propaganda,” the European Parliament member added. Castaldo stressed that “the current role of Jansa, the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, would suggest an institutional alert that the Slovenian Prime Minister unfortunately does not have it.” “Further, – pointed out the pentastellato – I am sorry for disrespecting those who are not there, given that the face of the former Dutch Member of Parliament appears in the published cartoon. Hans van Palenwho died on April 29.” “Jansa only has to apologize for what we would like to have been a slip, but instead we are afraid that she will hide very different and more serious situations,” Castaldo concluded.

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