Home Top News The quarantine obligation has been extended to those arriving in Italy from...

The quarantine obligation has been extended to those arriving in Italy from the United Kingdom

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With the health emergency worsening across Europe, citizens are currently advised not to travel abroad except for absolutely necessary reasons. In particular, Wednesday evening The Italian government imposed stricter restrictions on Returning from the UK Extending the quarantine obligation until a later date.

Specifically, the title of the new rules Those who have resided in or passed through the UK between 7 December 2020 and 6 January 2021. In this case, only those who have it are permitted to enter Italy Registered residence in Italy From a date prior to December 23, 2020 or that has The cause of absolute necessity Mainly linked to medical conditions.

Those who fall into these situations must necessarily follow a specific procedure, or undergo Unhealthy or molecular test within 72 hours prior to departureThen on to another Test within 48 hours of arrival At the airport, port, or border location.

Regardless of the test result, those who return will also have the obligation to undergoCredit isolation for fourteen days At home or residence, notify the local health authorities of the municipality of residence.

Transport crew and personnel Coming from the UK, however, follow a different procedure: the obligation to undergo a molecular or antigen test within 48 hours of entering the national territory, but the subsequent quarantine period is not mandatory.

For more information, you can find the regulation currently in effect at Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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