The Olympic Committee closes the doors of sports for Russia also for the year 2023: “The sanctions are still in effect” – the video

    The Olympic Committee closes the doors of sports for Russia also for the year 2023: “The sanctions are still in effect” – the video

    No re-acceptance Russia And the Belarus To the international sports competitions planned in 2023. The confirmation came from the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bachwhich states that “sanctions imposed on Moscow and Minsk shall remain in force” for the next year as well. Since the day of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the International Olympic Committee ban Russia and Belarus from organizing any international sports competition and prevented athletes from the two countries from participating in the World Cup and Olympics. But in recent weeks, news has spread of a possible opening, also in connection with a proposal United State To enter Russia a Paris 2024, but without the knowledge of the Federation. The proposal prompted the Ukrainian president Zelensky To demand directly from Bach not to reverse decisions made in the field of sports and to continue on the path of zero tolerance. “these Penalties Bach said today, in a Message End of year. Bach added: “In this new year, Ukrainian athletes can count on the full commitment of the IOC and the entire Olympic Movement as a sign of solidarity. We want to see a strong team from Ukraine in and around Paris 2024.” Milan Cortina 2026He finished.

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