Home science The new weekly keto diet – 3 kilos now!

The new weekly keto diet – 3 kilos now!

la nuova dieta chetogenica

a diet for every Weight loss Very fast (and good) no doubt The diet Chitogenica. But with a vegan version. over there diet weekly With a vegan and cruelty-free, delicious and satisfying menu you’ll never go hungry. Almost 6 kilos in 3 weeks (minus about 2 kilos instantly in 7 days!)Reset Metabolism: Say Goodbye to Pancetta with Green Proteins.

Diet Chitogenica vegetarian It is ideal for those who find it difficult to lose weight. Especially for those who suffer from fat ventral. In fact, the accumulation of fat around the waist is always a sign that something in the sugar metabolism has changed. over there diet Chitogenica Reducing carbohydrates creates what is called an “insulin peace”. Then the enzymes are activated. Which stimulates weight loss. The mechanism of the “fasting” diet is similar. Deception of the body, a healthy “biological hack” that prompts the body to get rid of its fat stores.


Monday / first day

Breakfast (gluten-free). Cocoa cream is obtained by mixing 30 g of soy milk without added sugar, 8 g of unsweetened cocoa powder, 50 g of 100% vanilla or cinnamon peanut butter until a thick cream is obtained. Pranzo (gluten-free). Lupine medallion is prepared with 120 grams of washed pickled lupine and 150 grams of mushrooms, chopped in a blender. Oven baked with flavorings. Spinach salad with 40 grams of walnuts. – Senna (soia-free, gluten-free, immune-friendly). Zucchini and spinach cream made from boiled zucchini and spinach, blended and enriched with 40gm chopped almonds. Vegetarian keto pancake.

Tuesday / second day

Breakfast (gluten-free). A pancake obtained by mixing and then cooking in a pan 40g of soy milk without added sugar, 10g of pea protein, 10g of coconut, 10g of almond flour, 2g of psyllium powder. Spread 10 g of 100% hazelnut cream on the pie, separately. Consume a soy cappuccino with 170 grams of soy milk and sugar-free coffee. Lunch (soy-free). Pasta with almonds and peppers prepared with 60 g of shirataki spaghetti marinated with 10 g of tahini and 40 g of almond cream heated in a frying pan with onions, coconut oil and a sprinkle of pepper; 100 grams of seitan cooked in a pan, sliced ​​and watercress. CENA (soia-free, gluten-free, immune-friendly). A burger prepared with 70 g of cooked lentils and 40 g of chopped almonds, garlic and onions; Radish and lettuce salad.

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Wednesday / 3rd day

Breakfast (gluten-free). Avocado cream is prepared by mashing 70 grams of ripe avocado pulp and mixing it with lemon juice and a tablespoon of coconut oil. add a pinch of salt; Vegetarian Keto Pie (50 g) – Pranzo (gluten-free). Mixed salad with 80gm cubes of tofu and aglio basil. 80 vegan keto pancakes. Dinner (soy-free). Spaghetti with Mushrooms and Peas Prepared with 60gm of shirataki spaghetti topped with champignon mushrooms and peas (also frozen), sliced ​​red pepper cooked in a skillet and 35gm of almond flour.

Thursday / fourth day

Breakfast (gluten-free). NS.Rima cocoa is obtained by mixing until 30 grams of soy milk with thick cream without added sugar is obtained. 8 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder. 50 grams 100% vanilla or cinnamon peanut butter. Lunch (gluten-free, soy-free). Lupine chickpeas and artichokes prepared with 190 g of washed lupine and mixed in brine with apple cider vinegar. Lemon juice and oil with 170 grams of oil-drained artichoke. – CENA (Gluten Free, Soia Free, Immune Friendly). Cream of bean curry prepared with 40 g of boiled dried broad beans mixed with 50 g of pumpkin seeds, curry and lemon juice; Fennel salad.

Friday / Fifth Day

Breakfast (gluten-free). A pancake obtained by mixing and then cooking in a pan 40g of soy milk without added sugar, 10g of pea protein, 10g of coconut, 10g of almond flour, 2g of psyllium powder. Sprinkle 10 g of 100% hazelnut cream on the pie, and consume separately a soy cappuccino with 170 g of soy milk and sugar-free coffee. Lunch (soy-free). Spaghetti with broccoli and nosi cream. Prepared from 60g of boiled shirataki noodles seasoned with 150g of boiled cream of broccoli mixed with 50g of walnuts. Seitan stew prepared from 120 grams of seitan fried in oil, onions and bay leaf. CENA (soia-free, gluten-free, immune-friendly). Burger made with 40gm of boiled and frozen peas mixed with pumpkin seed powder and oil and baked in the oven. 50 grams of chopped olives.

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Saturday / Sixth Day

Breakfast (gluten-free). Prepare avocado cream by mashing 70 grams of ripe avocado pulp and mixing it with lemon juice. And a spoonful of coconut oil. Add a pinch of salt. 1 vegan keto pancake (50 g). Lunch (soy-free). 3 falafel. Tomato and watercress salad. CENA (soia-free, gluten-free, immune-friendly). Fennel salad, red radicchio and shallots. Seasoned with oil and apple cider vinegar. Vegetarian keto pancake (70 g). 10 grams of roasted peanuts.

Sunday / Seventh Day

Breakfast (gluten-free). Cocoa cream is obtained by mixing 30 g of soy milk with no added sugar until a thick cream is obtained. 8 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder, 50 grams of 100% vanilla peanut butter. or cinnamon. Pranzo (gluten-free). Burger made of 200 boiled edamame soy, processed with 40 grams of pumpkin seed powder and coffee in the oven. 200 g of boiled green beans. CENA (soia-free, gluten-free, immune-friendly): Cabbage Meatballs prepared with 10gm of mashed stewed cabbage, warm and mixed with 30gm of hemp seed powder and 15gm of yeast In chips form meatballs.
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