The limits of the military and technological challenge of Russia and China to the United States

    The limits of the military and technological challenge of Russia and China to the United States

    America is a declining superpower, but the disaster of Moscow’s armed forces in Ukraine and the failure of Covid vaccines in Beijing show that Putin and Xi’s rivals still have a long way to go.

    The United States is the dissolved global superpower. Recently, signs of decline have intensified: at the international military and political level, with Hasty and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan; At the level of domestic policy, with Mismanagement of the covid epidemic; At the institutional level, with Trump attack on the Capitol After the presidential election. Powers, such as Russia and China, have tried to take advantage of these obvious critical elements, which are intended to challenge the unipolar structure dominated by the United States. Redefining a multipolar system Where there is a place for them also at the head of the table. However, things do not go as planned. If Washington cries, Moscow and Beijing will not laugh.

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