The jury has stopped advertising 5Gb/s fiber, and here’s the real reason –

    The jury has stopped advertising 5Gb/s fiber, and here's the real reason -

    You know, last week swear ad he has the TV ad for Weber’s Iliad. The reasons weren’t clear at first, but we now have a few more details.

    At first, the advertisements for the Iliad were thought to be misleading, and in fact the advertisements jury found that only some purely technical details From the show is not clear, but did not find economic conditions misleading.

    In this regard, Iliad writes: “The widespread publication of the jury apparatus, even before its causes can be known, in the face of WindTre’s causes alone, is further evidence of the continuing attempt by the contenders aimed at discrediting Iliad’s work and obstructing his communication.”

    But what is the truth? Problem? According to reports, it is a matter of “speed vs. capacity”. Iliad claims that the fiber can reach speeds of 5 Gbit/s, but not on the same device. According to the jury, it is wrong to speak of “speed”, but to speak of “ability”. In fact, a single device can reach a maximum speed of 2.5 Gbit / s.

    Here it is The full declaration of the Iliad: “The motives for in-app purchase related to the recently published item have been widely disseminated, unpacking the economic terms of fiber width and making a request to clarify some technical characteristics of the same, as users may not immediately understand. Iliad communication aims to provide technical information in a way Complete and simple, precisely in order not to further complicate their understanding. Moreover, the operator’s choice to always communicate clearly, puts it in a way much more transparent than competitors who again prove that they are acting with the sole intent of discrediting their actions.”

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