Home Tech The issue with Samsung TVs will be resolved in March, most likely...

The issue with Samsung TVs will be resolved in March, most likely – Nerd4.life

The issue with Samsung TVs will be resolved in March, most likely - Nerd4.life

PS5 Which Samsung TVs They don’t quite agree: Some gamers have reported, over the months, that it was impossible to get both 4K HDR and 120Hz while using the PS5. However, problem A. appears to be resolved March 2021, Via a correction made by Sony.

The first reports began last November. Users initially thought it was a problem with Samsung TVs and asked the Korean company to release a firmware update for the TVs. a German Samsung Community Manager However, it was then reported that the problem lay with the Sony’s console, the PS5.

Sony is aware of the problem, according to Samsung, and it is “likely” that an update will arrive in March 2021 that will fix the problem. Meanwhile, PS5 players affected by it should either choose 60Hz or disable HDR. Unfortunately For now, nothing else seems to be done.

Sony has yet to provide accurate indications Regarding the PS5 update, so we don’t know if what the Samsung Community Manager said is in fact official and final. We just have to wait for new information.

Still the theme of the PS5, it appears that up to 15% of the consoles have been resold by competitors in the US alone. Finally, we would like to point out that even without the auditors’ problems, in Japan when new stocks arrived, the public went crazy and the police stepped in.

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