Home Top News The future of stunt climbing in Australia’s Grampian

The future of stunt climbing in Australia’s Grampian

The future of stunt climbing in Australia's Grampian

Several rocks in the Australian Grampians are in danger of being closed. The Australian Victoria Climbing Association requires all climbers to submit a form by Sunday 24 January 2021 to the government agency Parks Victoria against proposals that, if approved, would ban 80% of climbing routes and close nearly all climbing areas. Boulder.

As reported in 2019 and 2020, many rocks in Grampians, Australia’s most important climbing area, are at risk of being closed. With the purpose “To preserve the Gariwerd scenery for future generations” To protect the cultural heritage of the indigenous people, Victoria Parks, the governing body that administers Grampians National Park, proposes the permanent or semi-permanent closure of nearly 80% of climbing routes (approximately 6,800 Taipan Wall caliber roads and slopes) and the near-complete closure of all rock climbing areas – The Wheel of Life e Ammaggama These are just two of the very popular rocks that will be banned indefinitely.

Since the beginningVictoria Australian Climbing Society (ACAV), the association that represents climbers’ interests in Victoria, has acknowledged that the issues to be addressed are complex, but has also taken a strong stand against measures that, in their view, “ will eliminate climbing completely. In Grampian.

After several announcements and decrees over the past two years, the project is on the verge of entering its decisive phase. In fact, on Sunday 24 January 2021, the possibility to inform one’s concerns expires and ACAV asks for final help from the climbers. The association prepared a 22-page presentation detailing their concerns, and prepared a word document with their advice for signing and sending Parks Victoria. Please act now and take the time to give your opinion on the future of climbing in Grampian ACAV writes. We also report an online petition against the proposals, which has so far been signed by more than 30,000 people.

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Click here to download the form.
Click here to sign the petition online

More information: savegrampiansclimbing.org

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