Home Tech The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield will have no problems with Todd...

The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield will have no problems with Todd Howard’s commitment to Indiana Jones – Nerd4.life

The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield will have no problems with Todd Howard's commitment to Indiana Jones - Nerd4.life

The Sheikh Manuscripts 6 e Starfield They will continue their development without problemsDespite the recent announcement of the new game Indiana Jones Bethesda with Todd Howard As an executive producer, because his direct participation in the new project will not have repercussions on the other games anyway.

Indiana Jones is actually in development at MachineGames, one of Bethesda’s in-house teams, but it has how Executive Producer Evidently, Todd Howard himself, who has been a key element in the publishing department but also of the Bethesda Softworks team, is pretty busy at this time.

Howard is too Director From Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6, which could indicate potential ramifications for the development of these two titles, given the scale of productions involved. However, Pete Haynes Bethesda He does not subscribe to that view, as he reported on Twitter in response to those who were concerned about the potential problems the new Indiana Jones might cause for the games he had already announced.

“Todd is currently the executive producer on several Bethesda and beyond projects, as well as Fallout TV,” Haynes said, explaining this special background on the founder’s current commitments. “for him The main commitment Starfield trend and The Elder Scrolls 6 remain, which won’t be affected by today’s news. “

So it appears that Howard’s role in Indiana Jones, despite his importance, is irrelevant to the role he plays in Starfield and The Elder Scrolls and in any case, all projects continue at their normal pace.

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