Home sport The Dominican Republic is slowly overtaking Mexico – OA Sport

The Dominican Republic is slowly overtaking Mexico – OA Sport

The Dominican Republic is slowly overtaking Mexico - OA Sport

The Dominican Republic’s victory in the game that opens the third day of the Tokyo Olympics baseball. In Yokohama, the Dominicans defeated Mexico with the smallest gap, 1-0, and temporarily successfully overcame Japan. Six players left on both sides, and the Dominican Republic scored six hits against the four Mexicans.

In the second half, the Dominicans were the ones to consider Mexico, putting Bautista (across the base on the ball) and Mejia on the top two bases, but no bigger lead. Rodriguez also found weakness in the next inning, with no further progression. All this is an introduction to what happens in the fifth shot: A duo from Valerio, who then went to third after Pérez was eliminated and took advantage of Cabrera’s single to finish off the diamond role.

While the game’s true protagonist risks becoming the glove machine that serves as players’ transporter, Mexico is likely to equalize immediately, but Rodriguez is eliminated before signing 1-1 and Meneses doesn’t get past third base. He tried again in the eighth round, but this time with Cardona as the pinch runner, who also stopped in third. The last three pitchers for Castillo.

Later, at 12:00 Italian time, the first appearance of the United States, who will challenge the not simple Israel team, who yesterday worked hard for South Korea before being abandoned.

Photo: La Presse

See also  Program, times, TV, dates - OA Sport
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