The closure could last until June.

    The closure could last until June.

    In Shanghai, the situation is getting worse every day.

    And the city is in a state of closure, which is feared to last until June

    . “at the moment

    The biggest concern is the fences that the authorities have put in front of the housing units

    , which I believe is a containment measure to prevent people from roaming freely. – says

    “Matino Cinque News” Alessandro, an Italian forced into his home because he tested positive

    – It’s clear in some places that locking the gates wasn’t enough to hold people back, so they moved on to the cages.”

    Many deaths at home

    “There have only been a hundred deaths from Covid here in Shanghai, but there have been many deaths at home from other illnesses, because

    The health system is in complete paralysis and does not allow access to the hospital

    For example to undergo chemotherapy “The story of the Italian boy continues.

    Alexander’s Fear – “Risk

    They send me back to the isolation center again, because I came back positive again. – explains the young man –

    The director of the condominium has locked me in the house, but it is not excluded that they will decide to return me to one of these Lazarettes,

    From which I left only on April 15th.”

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