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The Catholic religion is in school, Granato wants to abolish it. “It is not education,” says Sanader.

  The Catholic religion is in school, Granato wants to abolish it.

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An amendment signed by Rampey, which provides that religious science graduates can teach history and philosophy in high school, has created a new debate about the role of the Catholic religion in schools. To shine a light on the wick, Alternativa Senator is Bianca Laurea Granato, who is lobbying for the eradication of the teachings of the Catholic religion in favor of secular teachings. On the other hand, the Sanader Consortium, responding to former Senator M5S, mentions the differences between Christian education and Catholic religion education.

Al-Aqiq: “Replacing the teachings of the Catholic religion with the secular disciplines”

The former Pentastellata, who had been fiercely critical of the amendment by colleague Rampey of the Democratic Party, returned to the topic by writing:I have taken advantage of the state of emergency to “insert” a clause that allows a graduate of religion sciences to teach Italian language, history and geography in high schools, history and philosophy in high schools, Italian and history in technical institutes. All this denies the proximity of this degree course with environments close to CEI, regardless of the fact that the effect of this amendment is to surreptitiously increase the number of aspirants to seek the help of state professors. But then, clumsily, he repeated it as Sanader, the first association of religious teachers did: “We hope that the Master’s degree in Religious Sciences, which allows you to teach religion in schools, will soon be recognized as the equivalent of a degree. Like that in“ Religion Sciences ” (LM 64), in order to obtain full parity in the recognition of state qualifications .

Religion and Literary Education, Rampey (PD): “My revisionism is just an act of justice. Misplaced controversy.” [INTERVISTA]

For this reason, Granato and his colleagues do not want L’Alternativa C’eDenying the right to teach to some graduates, ”Instead,” if you wish to make room for other ranks of competition, it is time to replace the religious teachings of the Catholic religion with the secular education, of the history of religions for example, making it richer than the educational offer of historical disciplines, Which was already reduced by the Gelmini reform, and the opportunity to teach it to these recent graduates and to history teachers.So, in relation to the previous grillina,It is time to amend Concordat in this sense that has exceeded its time, giving more quality and depth to school curricula at all levels.“.

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Al-Sanadir: “The Hour of Religion is not education.”

Was a response SanaderNot long ago, as we said:Let us start by reminding those who once again treat the IRC issue in a superficial and stereotypical manner (to the point of not understanding the difference between the Religious Sciences degree-LM64 and the Master of Religious Sciences degree) that if it is it is true that the graduate is in the sciences of religions (the title listed in some faculties of literature – History and Philosophy of Universities Italian government) is a specialist equipped with the appropriate tools necessary to analyze and understand the religious phenomenon in its complexity, as well as to understand its continuous interactions with social and political dynamics, a master’s degree in religious sciences (papal title), divided into a three-year period and a subsequent two-year specialization period (according to the indicated criteria) To her in the “Bologna” process “), it aims to develop the study of religious sciences and the main elements of theology from a perspective shared between cultures and religions and in dialogue with the philosopher fia and the humanities“.

On aSupport the teachings of religion in school Orazio RossicaSnyder’s secretary answers: “At the expense of repeating ourselves: the scholastic education of religion finds space in the Italian school due to the objective recognition by the state, which considers it the bearer of great educational power, as well as the cultural and educational contents of the person, like other disciplines“.

still: “The secular nature of the state has not been questioned in any way, but it is about providing students with sufficient cultural tools to understand the reality that surrounds them, equipping them with the tools and contents and educating them “to exercise freedom from the perspective of justice and peace.”“.

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So Sanader asks to stop. “To balance the hour of religion with an hour of catechesis, instead of considering it for what it really is, this is an hour of cultural formation that is indispensable for understanding the basic aspects of life, art, and traditions of our country, and all of this. The rules, principles and values ​​that belong to our collective consciousness also to be able to compare ourselves better with other religions and systems of meaning, so as to have a systematic view of the complexity of human existenceRossica concludes.

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