The British government is working on the legislation

    The British government is working on the legislation

    Vehicles a Autonomous driving It would be legal on roads United kingdom By the end of the year, as confirmed by the British government.

    The UK Department of Transport has announced that vehicles equipped with automation technologies for lane keeping will be the first to be certified in the UK for “hands-free” driving. It reaches a top speed of 60 km / h.

    The words of the British Minister of Transport

    As confirmed by the British Minister of Transport, Rachel McLean, Who said: “This is an important step in the safe use of self-driving vehicles in the UK, which will make future travel more sustainable, easier and more reliable.” The minister then added, “We have to make sure that this exciting new technology is implemented safely, and that’s why we’re consulting about setting the rules to enable it.”

    Only on the highway, its speed reaches 60 km / h

    The current proposal, which could come into effect within the next few months, stipulates that cars equipped with automatic lane-keeping systems, which operate in conjunction with adaptive cruise control, can be driven in automatic mode, thus without the driver’s hand on the steering wheel, Only on the British highway network and at speeds of only 60 km / h. In other words, this will only be allowed in cases of traffic jams and long waiting lists on the highway. McLean said that limit could nearly double, to 112 km / h, at a later time.

    The driver is always ready to take over

    Legislation that could become law in the UK by the end of the year allows a driver to take their hands off the wheel for extended periods of time, with the vehicle mandated to drive the vehicle via adaptive cruise control and related driving assistance technologies. In any case, the driver must remain in the driver’s seat, always alert and ready to resume manual vehicle control.

    Between confusion and the risk of confusion in “autonomous driving”

    While Germany is also working on autonomous driving legislation, with the goal of allowing Tier 4 automated vehicles on German roads by the end of 2022, there are still many concerns in the UK about how British institutions are dealing with the issue. While theAutomobile Association (AA) He reiterates that there are still many unresolved issues regarding self-driving safety that need further testing before being licensed, there are issues such as Thatcham Research, which is a member of Euro NCAP Who is conducting car crash tests, warnsInappropriate use of the term “self-driving”, Given that vehicle technologies covered by the UK government’s proposed legislation are not automatic, but part of driving assistance systems because they always give the driver the possibility to regain control. In this way, according to Thatcham’s research, the UK government is also contributing to driver confusion.

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