Tesla: Personnel problems at the Berlin plant

    Tesla: Personnel problems at the Berlin plant

    One employee told Wired that several colleagues had decided to leave the Berlin factory due to a 20% drop in wages and sudden changes in the way they worked. Therefore, Tesla will not be able to recruit or retain enough employees

    Emiliano Ragoni

    Emiliano Ragoni

    “Total chaos” at the Gigafactory in Berlin. This will be the case for the German factory. Tesla is struggling to recruit and retain employees. This was reported by an employee who asked not to be named for fear of losing his job, which he described Wired The status of the European giant factory he defines, in effect, as “total chaos.” The employee mentioned that some employees had already logged several weeks of sickness, resulting in long periods of absence, to the point where actual work time was only a few weeks out of a total of six months.

    Gigaberlin is a mess

    The report claims that Tesla’s job vacancies have doubled globally since June and that the company has only managed to hire 7,000 of a planned 12,000 employees at the Berlin site. This obviously hampers productivity goals as Tesla had hoped to produce 5,000 Model Ys per week by the end of 2022. However, only 2,000 of the cars were assembled in October, making the German plant look uncompetitive with the others in the American home. Troy Teslike, head of data control at Tesla, notes that Giga Shanghai reached 20,000 units produced in 100 days, while Giga Texas took 151 days and Giga Berlin 187 days. Remember, the Model Y is the only car produced in Germany.

    Tesla employee salary is 20% less

    One of Tesla’s main hurdles in attracting talent is that it’s seen as less desirable than other automakers. German Metalworkers’ Union IG Metal She claims that Tesla pays 20% less than similar companies and this is a big problem with the search for employees. “There is a shortage of skilled workers everywhere,” said A.J Wired Holger Bonnen, research director at the Institute for Labor Economics in Bonn. “Everyone who could be hired is already employed. This makes it very difficult to fill vacancies.” And even the staff that Tesla managed to hire didn’t stay long. Former employees who chose to leave cite the management team’s lack of experience and sudden changes in the way they work. Sudden changes that employees with dependent children struggle to accept.

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