Superbonus 110: How will it change in 2023


    Superbonus 110 has been extended for the next two years but only for condominiums and, with restrictions, for Iacp homes and similar homes. However, the Meloni government is considering some significant changes to the bonus. Let’s see together how the next year can change.


    There are many new issues Meloni government You’ll have to face him in the coming months, starting with Super Bonus 110%.

    The measure is part of building bonuses extended through 2024, along with environmental bonuses, sismabonus, renovation bonuses, furnishings and greenery.

    In the meantime, the executive seems to be considering confirming the extension but with some significant changes, such as a Cut the tax credit in half But in the long run or discount diversification On the basis of the beneficiary’s income Oral Property Type business topic.

    Let’s see together in detail.

    Superbonus 110: FdI اقتراح Proposal


    Among the priorities of the new Meloni government Reorganization of construction rewardsespecially the Super Bonus 110%.

    As liquidated in recent weeks, the CEO intends to maintain the maximum discount but in a more contained version, with tax credit 60-70% Guaranteed, however, in the long run, or it can be diversified according to the income of the beneficiary or the type of property being worked on, higher in the case of the first home (not luxury), and lower in the case of the second home.

    However, open positions will remain protected, in order to avoid endangering already committed families and businesses.

    The bounty ends in 2022


    Bonuses that are not extended for the next few years and will expire in 2022 are Additional interfaces and the Reward for removing architectural barriers.

    On the other hand, super reward for condominiums, Iacp buildings and similar entities, “normal” earthquake bonus, “normal” environmental bonus, green bonus, furniture and appliances bonus, renovation bonus and individual bonus are extended to 2024. 80-85% for interventions on parts common of apartment buildings located within seismic zones 1, 2 and 3,

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