Super Bonuses and Single Family Homes: Demolition to stop at the end of 2022

    Super Bonuses and Single Family Homes: Demolition to stop at the end of 2022

    The demolition will close with the reconstruction, encouraged by the super bounty, of the single-family homes at the end of 2022. Without linking the long extension, foreseen by the last gambit, which runs until 2025.

    The Ministry of Economy, through Undersecretary Federico Freni, is closing the door to the possibility of an increase of 110% of the times for these properties, with a question answered by Gian Mario Fragomielli (Pd) in the Chamber’s Finance Committee.

    The question arises from the vague wording of the extension in the 2022 Budget Law. Indeed, Section 8bis of Article 119 of the Relaunch Ordinance makes it clear that the super reward is up to December 31, 2025 in some cases, such as the interventions carried out by condominiums and sole proprietorships of two-unit buildings to Four units. Among these cases, interventions made “on buildings subject to demolition and reconstruction” were also included.

    Interpretive doubts dispelled

    According to some interpretations, this section on demolishing and rebuilding would be applicable to all types of buildings, not just condominiums and the like. Thus, the extension until the end of 2025 will also include single-family units, but only for the hypotheses of demolition with reconstruction.

    Yesterday’s question in the Finance Committee stems from this suspicion. But in this regard, the answer of the Ministry of Economy shuts the door for good. “It is noted – explains Freney – that demolition and reconstruction interventions are explicitly referred to in the first period of 8bis above, which governs interventions in buildings other than single-family buildings.”

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