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Summer is approaching and the body should be prepared in the best possible way, here are 4 push-ups that should not be missed for a toned, high-chested chest and a high chest

Summer is approaching and the body should be prepared in the best possible way, here are 4 push-ups that should not be missed for a toned, high-chested chest and a high chest

Feeling fit and feeling beautiful is a right and duty of every woman. Taking care of your healthy body requires attention and care. Every part needs exercises and the breast is one of them.

This area of ​​the body is the symbol par excellence of femininity. Plus doing a stretch Control exams Essential to avoid illness and disease, here’s what we can do. Summer is approaching and the body should be prepared in the best possible way, here are 4 push-ups that should not be missed for the engulfed, high bodice and chest.

It is known that the breast is composed mainly of mammary glands and a small number of lateral muscle bands. In this segment there is a tendency to accumulate unnecessary fats. With abundant breast beauty and luxury, balance is always needed.

All daily exercises for toning chest

The myth that needs to be dispelled is that training causes the breasts to contract. Actually only in our extreme sports cases Metabolic activity And hormonalism can create powerful changes in our morphology. With constant but not stressful daily activity our bibs will be in good shape. We know summer is approaching and the body needs to be prepared in the best possible way, here are 4 chest exercises that should not be missed for toned, high and toned chest:

A) Arm sequence with light weights;

B) waved on the arms;

C) Payment sequence.

D) bench press exercise.

We prepare our bodies by stretching, especially by stretching the shoulders and neck. The back also needs to be open and ready to be flexible during workouts. Let’s also get some weights of 1 or 2 kg as a maximum to start with. We can use water bottles safely.

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How to perform these effective exercises to get completely healthy, toned and beautiful breasts

We stand with our arms outstretched and lift the weight high above the head. Then we go down to the height of the shoulders and again along the hips. We repeat the movement 10 times, in 3 sequences.

Then keep the plank in place for 30 seconds, 1 minute max. The forearms extend to the ground and support the whole body. Repeat the plates for at least 5 times. This will also strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Let’s indulge in a sequence of squeezing, or pressing the arms, maybe bending the legs if it’s too difficult. Let’s do a minimum of 3 sets of 5, with a maximum of 10 push-ups.

Another exercise to do at home or in the garden is bench press or chair pressure. Let’s move forward keeping all the weight in the arms on the chair and leaning forward at least 10 times, repeating the chain 3 times.

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