Stocks drop after earnings drop, fears of new PS Plus –

    Stocks drop after earnings drop, fears of new PS Plus -

    The Procedures From Sony They lost 7% after an announcement decrease in profits From PlayStation and Contributors’ Concerns About New playstation pluswhich with its large catalog of titles can erode sales.

    As you will remember, the Japanese house on Friday updated PS5 sales to 21.7 million units, but at the same time confirms a real drop in profits, equal to 37%, due to investments on the one hand (see the acquisition of Bungie), from the other to the other Decline in software sales.

    Specifically, the Games section has been placed 47.1 million games For PS4 and PS5 in the second quarter of the year, but in the same period in 2021 this figure was 63.6 million, while playing time on the PlayStation platform decreased by 15%.

    “Although some may point to weak sales growth PlayStation 5 On an annual basis, just over 4%, the real reason for the decline in profits lies in higher production costs due to the acquisitions of some development teams,” said Amir Anfarzadeh of Uneven Advisors.

    “What we think is important going forward is understanding how the new PlayStation Plus subscription service, which gives users access to hundreds of old games, will impact software sales.”

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