Home World Spain remembers the protests of the angry 10 years later – Altima...

Spain remembers the protests of the angry 10 years later – Altima Aura

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(ANSA) – Madrid, May 14 – The first time for the “angry” was in the square on May 15, 2011: Ten years later, Spain assessed the legacy of that protest movement that caused a strong political and social shock in the country. A country overshadowed by the economic and financial crisis of 2008.

These days, the Iberian media is proposing reports reminiscent of those months of demonstrations against the political class – “Don’t represent us,” thousands of people shouted – in dozens of cities and interviews with some of the participants, calling for their opinions about the movement’s successes and failures.

Part of the complaints at the time, such as complaints about job insecurity, poor youth opportunities, political corruption or deteriorating public services, are still fresh in Spanish society today. Several transformations also occurred after those events, according to some who experienced the movement themselves.

One of the most mentioned effects is the collapse of the traditional two-party system thanks to the birth of new political formations: among the experiences that left their mark is the experience of the left-wing Podemos party, born in 2014 with the aim of opposing the establishment of the “disaffected” and which subsequently developed a path of institutionalization, entering parliament first, then the government, Albeit in parallel with the gradual loss of popular support after a tumultuous start. Now this party is contemplating its future after bidding farewell to the policy just announced by its so far undisputed leader, Pablo Iglesias. (handle).

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