Home Economy Southwest apologizes to passengers, and issue refund after dress dispute

Southwest apologizes to passengers, and issue refund after dress dispute

Southwest apologizes to passengers, and issue refund after dress dispute

Southwest Airlines has issued a refund and an apology to a woman who was temporarily banned from boarding a plane this week Because of the way they wear them.

Kayla Eubanks shared a A detailed account of the accident on Twitter, saying She tried to board a plane to Chicago from LaGuardia Airport in New York on Tuesday while wearing a black suspender shirt.

Eubank, 22, said BuzzFeed News Southwest employees told her that she had violated the airline’s dress code, so she would not be allowed to fly.

A Southwest spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill that it issued a direct apology to Eubanks and reimbursed her for the trip as a “goodwill gesture”.

Southwest Policy It states that all passengers must “dress impressively”, adding, “while the dress code in Southwest is relaxed and informal, it is expected to present a clean and tasteful appearance.”

“Staff are responsible for the well-being and comfort of everyone on board the flight,” Southwest said in its statement.Clothing that is “obscene, obscene or offensive,” is prohibited for each Transfer contract.

Referring to Tuesday’s incident, the airline said, “The staff secretly notified the passenger of this clothing policy and attempted to resolve the conversation before boarding the plane.”

Eubanks said she was previously unaware of this policy, adding that she did not think her boss would be a problem.

“In general, I wear, like, shirts, sweats, or whatever for the airport, but it was supposed to be 77 degrees in Chicago when I landed. She told BuzzFeed that it’s only an hour and a half for a flight.”

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In a video clip of the incident, it was shared on Twitter, Appears to be a Southwest employee at the gate confirming that Eubanks was banned from the trip because of her shirt. Eubanks then asks the employee for a dress code policy, adding that she has been waiting to see the policy “for 20 minutes.”

A later video posted on Twitter showed the flight captain talking to Eubanks to address the situation. Then Eubanks tweeted a picture of her wearing a T-shirt over her shirt, and she wrote, “The flight captain loaned me his shirt so I could get on the plane (after I was removed from the flight and delayed). “

Eubanks added that she eventually took off the shirt and was told by the staff that she would need to speak to a manager upon landing in Chicago.

In response to the company’s apology and refund, Eubanks told BuzzFeed that she believes a more appropriate gesture would be for the airline to put in place a clearer policy of what is considered appropriate dress.

I think it should be nondiscriminatory. Eubanks said, I think that as a woman, specifically a black woman, my body is constantly being censored and overly sexualized, and that’s just not fair to me. I think they need to take the initiative and find out what they think is or is not acceptable and let that be the norm in all areas. ”

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