Home Economy Sostegni Decree, How is the non-refundable contribution calculated

Sostegni Decree, How is the non-refundable contribution calculated

Sostegni Decree, How is the non-refundable contribution calculated

There is a new account system for non-reimbursable grants for companies stipulated in the Sostegni Decree. The percentage should be calculated on the basis of the average monthly loss for the year 2020 compared to the year 2019. In this loss it will be necessary to calculate the percentages stipulated in the decree ranging from 20% to 60%.

To calculate the refreshment, therefore, you will have to immediately determine the decrease in 2020 compared to 2019, then divide the result by 12, so you will get your average monthly loss.

A system that should, in the intentions of the government, avoid inequality regarding the amount owed, given that there are different restrictive measures in different regions and hence also based on the fact that there are activities that have different working seasons.

The non-reimbursable contributions will allocate to the approximately 3 million companies and professionals who lost in 2020 at least 30% of their average monthly sales volume compared to 2019. It is envisioned that there are five refreshment bands based on the 2019 turnover:

60% of the average monthly turnover loss of less than € 100,000
50% for turnover between 100,000 and 400,000 EUR
40% for turnover between 400,000 and 1 million euros
30% for turnover between 1 and 5 million euros
20% for turnover between 5 and 10 million euros

The reference to ATECO codes is canceled and the maximum beneficiary turnover has been raised to 10 million euros. The aid ranges from a minimum of 1,000 euros for individuals, 2,000 euros for legal entities, and a maximum of 150,000 euros for each beneficiary. Even the beginnings will have access to refreshment points.

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So, for example, if a company pays 100,000 euros in 2019 and pays 80,000 euros in 2020, you will not be able to get to the restaurant. On the other hand, if it reports sales of € 70,000, it can be reached. In this case, the decrease in turnover is 3o%, which is the minimum to get the contribution. These 30,000 will be split over a period of 12 months, resulting in a decrease in the average volume of business by 2,500 EUR per month. The share owed in this case is 60% (first tranche): 1,500 euros will therefore be received.

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