Sony ships PlayStation prototypes from the EU to the US: the new PS5 Pro?


    In the past few hours, strange news has emerged regarding the world of Sony and specifically Playstation. During the month of November, some “prototypes of consoles” by the Japanese tech giant could have been shipped from Europe to the United States, specifically to Norfolk, a well-known town in Virginia.

    PS5 Pro, 4/3/2022 -
    PS5 Pro, 4/3/2022 –

    Many insiders have piqued the interest of this news, and we are trying to understand what it could be: so let’s do some clarity. The Sony PlayStation shipping order describes the product in question as Video game console (prototype) While many others are categorized as a “development kit,” that is, the part of hardware and software that developers use to create video games, or “material for entertainment systems.”

    PS5 Pro, 4/3/2022 -
    PS5 Pro, 4/3/2022 –

    Original Sony models shipped in Virginia: PS5 PRO?

    The “violating” expedition is The only one sent to Norfolk and shipped specifically from United kingdom, While it turns out that the buyer Sony Interactive Entertainment, not the classic Sony Interactive Entertainment America. As also notes: “We can therefore assume that the November 2021 standings are different from the usual.” These are prototypes of four different boxes with a total weight of 694 kilograms, roughly seven quintals, labeled HS code #981700, and are typically used for video game related products. Usually, in fact, other orders use different symbols, so it is the myriad details that indicate that they are one command. Among other things, the destination, Virginia, appears somewhat suspicious as Tweaktwon, the newspaper that reported the “anomaly,” did not recognize any Sony division in the area, although it did discover that there were several Sony services in the area. centers.

    Therefore, it cannot be excluded that these are just prototypes that were sent from London to Norfolk for some repairs, but according to another rumor that is circulating very strongly in these hours, perhaps the first PS5 Pro model, The new, and better performing version of the current PlayStation 5, or perhaps avatars PS VR2 models, The latest augmented reality headset from Sony. Pending news, confirmations or denials, the world of PlayStaition and PlayStation 5 in particular prepares to welcome Gran Turismo 7, A new chapter in the beloved PlayStation racing saga. Today, March 4, 2022, is an important day, and it is clear that the game will be available to all lucky console owners, which has been nothing less than impossible to find since its launch, November 2020. Those who managed to try it talk about impressive photo-realism and if you like Also in buying it, we leave you Dedicated Amazon link.

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