exceed the limit. specializing in it Alessandro MilozziHaving transformed into the most extreme and extreme profession, he has been a specialist for quite some time now. In particular on Twitter, where he relaunched the most outlandish conspiracy theses, studies without results about the vaccine and its surroundings and in short, and so forth. But in this case, The psychiatrist goes straight to the insultBrutal and unacceptable against Bruno Vespa.

Necessary premise, conductive door to door, always in favor of the vaccine and the green lane, in recent days has raised the standards and the tones, insisting a lot on the need to use the serum and also clashing in a harsh and cruel way, on TV with some – fax interception in various TV studios. In particular, a Kartabianca from Bianca Berlinger Broadcasting on Rai 3, Vespa si è I hit hard with no-vaxMentioning: “I hope that this rule will reach and at a certain point they will no longer send it to the cinema or to the restaurant …”. The reference was to the green super lane and the closure hypothesis for the unvaccinated.

Well, now we come to Melusi. Warning: These are not his words, but a retweet. In short, he has re-launched the evil that you can see below. A man, in turn, raises another tweet, adding his very personal comment to Vespa: “He will sell his mother to stay afloat…”. In the retweet, another idiot referring to Vespa wrote:Slimy, greasy, notoriousSo a meme with a phrase from the host door to door With a quote at the bottom that reads: “The evil of the few is the misfortune of the many.” Well, as evidenced by the photo under the respective tweets, Meluzzi decided to re-launch such nonsense.

“Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover.”