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Ruined, then horror in the refrigerator. Keeler killed her for 3,000 euros

  Ruined, then horror in the refrigerator.  Keeler killed her for 3,000 euros

Gagged and tied, then imprisoned in A. Refrigerator For three days. Claudia Lepore was to die from frostbite, one Italian woman 59 years old resident of Santo Domingo. The murderer, who apparently self-confessed, was alleged to have killed her on the orders of the victim’s former partner and friend. The local police are now investigating the tragic case. The motive behind the crime will be economic. Two other Italians are involved in the investigation.

The traumatic killing

The news leaked through the foreign press late on Saturday 23 January, but the dramatic story dates back to a few days ago. The body of Claudia, 59, from Carpi (Modena), was found in an apartment in the residential area of ​​Bavaro in Santo Domingo (Santo Domingo), where the woman had already lived for several years, last Thursday, 25 January. The body was inside A. Refrigerator Which was prohibited to open safely. For this reason, investigators believe that the victim was most likely alive when she was placed in the cell. Therefore, she had died from frostbite, unable to escape and seek help for at least three days

The alleged killer

According to what we have learned CorriereTo kill Claudia was Antonio Antigua known as “El Chino”, 46, a resident of Santo Domingo. For investigators, it is consideredThe performer The murder material, but the crime conceals one of the original close to the victim. The 46-year-old would have admitted this after the police arrested, and it appears that the items found by investigators will confirm his account. Specifically, framing “El Chino” would be like a message sent to the woman’s former partner and friend: “Pay me or I’ll kill you”, The text will read.

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The motive behind the crime

Two other Italians will be involved in the investigation, including the suspect Mastermind For the murderer who allegedly agreed an amount equal to € 3,000 (2,000 pesos) to kill the 59-year-old from Carpi. However, he would have denied involvement in the case after he had informed local authorities of her friend’s disappearance. In 2009, the two women started a bed and breakfast together – “Villa Corazon,” company name – but then made different career options. In fact, it appears Claudia intended to return to Italy permanently. Apparently, those last few weeks will be in Santo Domingo: it’s time to do the last chores and then you’ll fly to Carpi.

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