Three doctors, a nurse, a family and a country that does not give up. Despite the difficulties, in spite of everything. The opening of the new general medicine clinic in Rivarolo del Re ed Uniti at Via Papa Giovanni XXIII goes far beyond the continuity of service indispensable to all citizens. The mayor knows that well Luca Zanicelli That a lot was spent precisely so that the state did not lose the possibility of a general practitioner. He did it specifically for the old and the frail but he did it for everyone.
There was a danger of losing service to a part of the country – even if not to all citizens, but to a significant part. When he said Dr. Giuseppe ManaraAfter reaching the minimum retirement age, Rivarolo del Rey finds himself with only a doctor Enrico Olivani To practice the profession of general medicine. 42 years of activity for him which started in July 1979 in Rivarolo but already has the largest number of patients he can follow. Without enough space and only one doctor for more than 1,800 residents in the municipality. Many, many people over 65 who had to choose Casalmaggiore or Sabbioneta with all the ensuing inconveniences. It will not be so.
The new GP clinic serves exactly this, and that is the purpose of the two new young doctors who have settled in Rivarolo del Rey who will provide continuity of care to that segment of the population that needs it most but not only. The burden of the clinic is borne by the municipality: in fact, the doctors will not pay at least for these first times, no rent and no expenses.
The Mayor’s Tale – “in a short time – Luca Zanicelli explains – About six months ago, the municipal administration was able to bring life to the new medical clinic, which was erected near the pre-existing municipal medical clinic. The aim was to combine in one structure, both general practice clinics with their own waiting rooms, with the aim of optimizing the costs of administration, fully borne by the municipality, rents and utilities, and to give a single point of reference as a medical center for the citizens of Rivarolo del Rey and Unity. The current clinic has been renovated, according to the new regulations and the new clinic has been set up in the former apartment next to the abandoned conscientious inspector, the medical center has one access for both clinics“.
The cost of the work amounted to 56,200 euros, financed by the Regional Decree-Law No. 160 on December 27, 2019 AD Energy efficiency and safety of buildings and public facilities in terms of sustainable regional development (Decision No. 58 of 06/14/2021) and more €17,782 for pre-existing clinic health adjustments funded by management surplus (Resolution No. 61 of 08/24/2021). An important investment, as we explained earlier, deemed necessary by the administration to allocate it to the necessary work of the country, with the urgent need to establish an additional clinic, having acknowledged the retirement of the General Practitioner Dr. Giuseppe Manara who carried out his work. Working in his studio located in the city.
“Take this opportunity – Mayor continues – We wish Dr. Manara a well-deserved rest from work, thank him for the long years of medical service he provided in the village, and thank him for donating part of the medical equipment to the municipality for use in the new clinic.. General Practitioner Dr. Enrico Olivani, who has practiced as a physician in our municipality for 42 years, will continue his practice in the renovated clinic, and Dr. Enrico Olivani has also been commended for his service over the years. I wish the doctor a good job Chiara Mantovani And to Dr. Gianluca Arcari“.
Dr. Chiara Mantovani receives by appointment on Wednesdays from 9.00 to 12.30 (tel. 0375/41641 or 0375/42380 answer center and Dr. Gianluca Arcari (received by appointment on Tuesdays from 9.00 to 13.00 tel. 0375 / 41641 or 0375/42380 answers the Shared Switching Center) which will provide the service in the new municipal clinic.
“I thank Dr. Mantovani and Dr. Arkari for their willingness to go to Clinic Rivarolo del Re at least one morning a week to help attend to their local patients who have difficulty moving, such as the GPs, as they work at Group Medicine At Casalmaggiore, they had no obligation to conduct an outpatient clinic with us either. I consider it necessary to emphasize the sensitivity of the whole group of the municipal administration, the council and the whole majority group, which immediately considered it necessary to take action by restructuring and creating a new clinic, with the aim of not losing, for many users and patients, the local general primary medicine service is very important For our citizens, especially the weak, the chronically ill and the elderly. If it is true that today we are moving towards a concentration of general practitioners and specialists in offices associated with professionals who ensure continuity by the hour, administrative staff and nursing, nevertheless, we should not forget about the proximity medicine that must be ensured by the general practitioner in the areas • rural and sparsely populated, far from the most populous centers“.
A viable state is one that manages in one way or another to maintain its necessary services. Health care is important, and that is why Zanicelli has spent himself from this point of view, well aware of the needs of his fellow citizens, starting with the weakest and most vulnerable: “The consequence of the concentration of general medicine in the most populous municipalities is a great inconvenience to the elderly, who live in large numbers in our territory and who are also deprived of the independence of their ability to go to their general practitioner in the country’s outpatient clinic. The department that she led with great determination at the moment managed to solve this problem, and managed to supply three general practitioners, which made a new clinic available in a short time. If we recognize that the GP is the primary representative of the clinic, he must be objectively empowered to be able to carry out diagnosis, treatment, treatment, assistance and follow-up in the area, and this more strongly justifies the investment that has been made. In the new clinic even in a small town like ours. I am also deeply convinced that in the area of ​​regional care “inequalities are growing, as home care can give real meaning to the term ‘careful’ which was emphasized so much in the reform of Law 23/2015“.
Finding GPs willing to provide services directly in the country was not easy. ATS was contacted, from the list of 9 available, and luckily two were found willing to work in the village as well. “In view of the enormous difficulties I have personally faced in finding available GPs to perform their service in my country, as a district and mayor along with many other mayors, we sound an alarm: There is no longer a guarantee of a MD in the small backbone municipalities For our territory and a large part of Lombardy. If we recognize, first of all, that regional general medicine is the primary link in the hospital/territory integrated care pathway, then the competent institutional bodies must create conditions to bridge the national territory GP gap“.
The need to create continuity of care arose between the reality of the hospital, where the treatment of acute cases finds its place and the land that must take care of the pre and post stages of specialized hospitalization. “This is the reason for the need to invest in the regional dimension in terms of better planning, design and organization as well as strengthening of human resources. From this perspective, continuity of the hospital area will be encouraged, with a request that special attention be given to strengthening interventions for intermediate/after-acute care so that management can be implemented in a broad and efficient manner.“.
“In order to facilitate the establishment of a channel of exchange between different healthcare contexts to ensure continuity of care for the chronically/vulnerable patients, the introduction of family and community nurses to facilitate the transition to patients’ home is very positive, or in multidimensional assessment (VMD) stages and outcome indicators in the frail elderly patient. Family nurses will play an essential role in the area, particularly in detecting and managing social assistance needs, and in monitoring and caring for the individual with high vulnerability and social and health complexities. It would be essential to intercept even those needs that have not yet been expressed and prevention, which is why as Mayor I worked with the Director of Social Health Asst Cr Dottoressa Paula Moses And with Director of Services of the Regional Vulnerability Network, Physician Assistant Cr Nadia Polly To include in the context of our local outpatient clinic the presence of a family nurse who will work in a network with our general practitioners and with the municipal social worker. I warmly thank the Director of Services for the Regional Vulnerability Network, Associate Cr Dr. .“.
The final thank you (but only in written order) from Mayor Zanicelli went to the municipal staff. Even from a pictorial point of view, the work was not easy: “I thank the municipality staff for the technical and administrative work done in the outpatient work, and I thank F.lli Molino sas di Germano Molino & C. di Viadana for carrying out the work in a short time.“.
family nurse Thanks to the close collaboration with ASST Cremona and specifically in the wake of a regional reform which sees the increasing importance of home care, it has been possible to guarantee the presence of the family nurse initially for one or two days per week. “Opening of clinics in Rivarolo del Rey – Dr. Nadia Pouli, Director of Services of the Regional Vulnerability Network, Assistant to Cremona explained – It will allow us in agreement with the general practitioners to start a project with the family and community nurses at ASST in Cremona so that at certain times of the week, we initially think of one day, it is possible that this figure will be available to citizens and in particular to meet the needs of people with problems and diseases chronic; This is moving in the more desirable direction than ever to respond to the needs of local citizens, and therefore in their homes with the aim of keeping citizens at home as much as possible. It is a project that responds to the guidelines and guidelines that are being followed across the region. The ASST in Cremona also carries out this type of planning with various physician associations. This is an important opportunity for which we thank the municipality and all collaborators, from the associations of general practitioners to the municipal social services with whom we have an excellent relationship, with Concass and the entire network.“.
Nazarino Kondina
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