Home science Richia says yes to the Regional Medicine Project

Richia says yes to the Regional Medicine Project

Postazione 118 Riccia

The city council approved, by the majority of votes alone, that ‘Land medicine project to give answers to citizensAlready shared by many Molise mayors, prepared by La Fonte (led by Don Antonio de Lala, editor), the diocese of Termoli-Larino, the Baptist churches of Campobasso and Repaputoni and the various Molise associations that, with the help of many experts, presented a project to protect Health of Molise residents and validity of local realities The proposal was developed to stimulate an open discussion for all parties, starting with the real needs of the territory.

The document was presented by Social Policy Adviser Antonella de Domenico during the civil meeting held last Friday, April 30th. The council member emphasized the importance of this proposal in giving a push to one of them The new season for health planning in our region We firmly reaffirm the right to health of all Molisans without “condition” and “reservations”. The intention is to wage a battle that does not have colors or flags, but which concerns all citizens. It is clear, in fact, that health is not only a precious wealth for citizens, but also a virtuous investment that prevents the state and our societies from paying large social and financial costs.

For decades, prevention has been kept to a minimum – as stated in the document – as have all medical activities in the region. Covid-19 has blown up the paradoxes of the situation, and as we face the emergency, we are forced to rethink the entire National Health Service. We need health care centered around pre-illness health, giving new life to local medicine and reorganizing the hospital system. “

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Among the main proposals is Digitize the Molise Health SystemIt is an essential option for knowing the health status of the Molise community and for making the entire health organization effective, from regional medicine to the hospital network. Another key point is the healthy zones: There are currently three “health zones” in our region. Which should have the function of planning, coordinating and controlling health activities, by reading and interpreting the social, environmental and health needs of the region. Correct functioning will allow health zones to contain disease development, reduce stress on hospitals and waiting lists, but also to avoid expensive and inadequate hospital services. In every health district, the staff of general practitioners, who are the guards who monitor the health of the citizens in the district, should be strengthened.

It also focuses on what is called Case della Salute, one for every 15/20000 inhabitants, to provide specialist assistance, diagnostics and telemedicine services, while at the same time becoming the true heartbeat of local medicine and facilitating prevention activities, access to services and pathways of care and rehabilitation for patients.

Mayor Pietro Testa stressed the problem of the shortage of specialized doctors in the Ricca Clinic and stressed that the municipality has been calling for several years to strengthen specialized medicine, both in terms of services and hours. “ The municipality of Ricca has also worked in recent years to create various regional services – explained Testa – that has completed the renovation of the former county house, which aims to build an RSA with 20 beds for people with cognitive dementia and / or Alzheimer’s disease with the adjacent day center with a maximum of 10 places Finally, several projects have been introduced, after a regional funding of 600,000 Euros, through the SNAI Fortore strategy, targeting the elderly and strengthening telemedicine and tele-assistance services.

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