Resident Evil 4, Chainsaw Demo For The Remake Now Available On PC, PS5, PS4 And Xbox –

    Resident Evil 4, Chainsaw Demo For The Remake Now Available On PC, PS5, PS4 And Xbox –

    there Chainsaw demo to Resident Evil 4 And available From now on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S.: Capcom announced it during Spotlight tonight, giving users the opportunity to experience the promising new version of the historical chapter of the survival horror series.

    You can download the demo from here for PS5 and PS4, from this is the address for Xbox Series X | S and finally from here for computers.

    This is a trial version Without time limitswhich we will thus be able to play for as long as we want and which includes the initial stages of the Resident Evil 4 campaign, which sees the arrival of Leon Kennedy in the village where the daughter of the President of the United States seems to have been taken.

    Launch a program offers However, it is not established as real a surprise: Expect this morning’s announcement on Twitch that the Resident Evil 4 demo will arrive today, and this time it also seems to be a real leak.

    As you may recall, we previewed Resident Evil 4 earlier this month and were very impressed with the quality of the remake, which while staying true to the spirit of the original offers a whole host of heresy.

    Changes that are not limited to the technical sector, of course Redesigned from scratch As it usually happens for remakes, but it also extends and above all to Playthrough an improvement on Leon Kennedy’s combat system and movements, are less wooden than in the past.

    The demo will undoubtedly allow you to get an idea of ​​all these elements and increase expectations towards the game, whose launch is fast approaching:exit Resident Evil 4 is set to release March 24th on PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X | S.

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