Home Economy Ray Canon’s nightmare has returned. Here who does not have to...

Ray Canon’s nightmare has returned. Here who does not have to pay

  Ray Canon's nightmare has returned.  Here who does not have to pay

Canon Subscribe to Rai, here are some explanations about what has become more than anything else a tax on possession TV set. This term refers to all fitted electronic toolsA tuner for receiving a broadcast signal (terrestrial or satellite) from a radio and television antenna.. A definition that does not include computers and tablets, at least for the time being.

To get more money from the old RAI license fee now, that was the case Renzi In 2016 to present a concept Presumption of detention, Given the fact that anyone who owns an electrical user should have a ‘TV’ in their home, until proven otherwise. That is precisely the reason, in the introduction of annual fees to be paid into treasury vaults directly in law Project Electricity.

In the event that no family member owns a home / residential electricity contract, the payment is instead determined by F24, Provided that it is carried out no later than January 31 of the reference year. The same method is also provided to pay the fee Also by citizens who are supplied with electricity within networks that are not connected to the national transmission network.. When it comes to simple renewal, it is possible to pay the balance in one solution of € 90 (expiration January 31), in two solutions of € 45.94 (first expiry on January 31, second on July 31) or in four of € 23, 93. (Deadlines January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31).

Who is exempt from paying fees? All the Above 75 With a total income (including any spouse) less than 8 thousand euros and without cohabitants in the household who have an income of their own (excluding domestic help or caregivers). Any person who falls into this category must in any case submit an application for exemption, to document the required requirements. This facility is only provided for the televisions found in the residence. To apply, the person concerned must be 75 years old by January 31 of the same year in which the exemption is requested. If the age of 75 is completed after this date, the second semester fee can still be unpaid. Since the conditions presented at the time of the application are still in place, the taxpayer will not be required to file it every year, while he will have to do so if there are any changes that could change the requirements.

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Diplomatic agents, officials or consular officers, officials of international organizations and officials are also exempt from paying tax as a result of international agreements. “I am Army Of non-Italians or non-Italian civilians who are not Italians belonging to the NATO forces stationed in Italy ”, As explained to‘Revenue Agency.

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