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Public Debt/GDP | Italy | 1988-2017 | International Monetary Fund – medal table for GDP. Russia, Australia and the United Kingdom in the lead – sports

  Public Debt/GDP |  Italy |  1988-2017 |  International Monetary Fund - medal table for GDP.  Russia, Australia and the United Kingdom in the lead - sports

Stronger than many economic superpowers: Italy (as in the case of the medal table for the population) is fourth. France Tracking. For Germany, China and the United States, the jobs are fewer

Medals table for GDP.  Russia, Australia and the United Kingdom are in the lead

By reclassifying the Tokyo 2020 medal table based on Countries’ economic ‘strength’An amazing fact emerges. Although the lack of sports facilities, especially in schools, is structural in much of the local land, Italy managed to get better results than countries with much higher GDP.

In addition to recalculating the top 10 countries in the medal table based on population, Our country also in this case is fourth in the ranking, with 19.1 medals won for every trillion dollars of GDP, ahead of only Russia (37.8), Australia (32.2) and Great Britain (23.1). Italy is overtaken by the third economy in the world, Japan, which stops at eighth place. It is followed by France (9th), Germany (11th), China (13th), and the United States (15th).

However, it should be noted that this number should be taken with a grain of salt, as they say. In fact, for a more robust association, it would be appropriate to consider Share of public spending on the “sports” sector. In other words, a country can have a particularly high GDP and allocate a minimum share of public spending to sports. It would also be helpful to rate Investments from the private sector.

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