Primary school car education competition, who can participate?

    Primary school car education competition, who can participate?

    among all Measures on the school in the budget law Once the text reaches the Senate, the Competition for physical education teachers in primary school.

    Physical education in primary school

    Article 109 of the budget maneuver provides for the introduction of physical education teaching in primary school in the fourth and fifth grades (no more than 2 hours a week of additional teaching) through the use of teachers equipped with Appropriate educational qualification And register in the relevant Competition category Exercise and sports science in elementary school.


    The document states that the introduction of physical education teaching is expected to Fifth grade starting from the academic year 2022/2023 And to get Fourth grade starting from the school year 2023/2024.

    Qualifying Contest

    The place can be accessed through Qualification of insolvency proceedings. So it will be Competition based on qualifications and qualifying exams, which will be banned over the years 2022 AH 2023.

    Who can participate?

    Holders can participate in bankruptcy proceedings

    • Master check in LM-67 . class Science and technology of preventive and adaptive motor activities or in LM-68 . class Sports science and technology or in the competition category LM-47 Organization and management of sports and physical activities services;
    • or Equivalent educational qualifications To the above-mentioned master’s degrees (based on the decision of the Minister of Education, University and Research July 9, 2009 published in the Official Gazette of October 7, 2009, No. 233).

    24 kfu

    These subjects also need 24 credits Human-psychological-educational specializations and teaching methodologies and techniques, the so-called 24 CFU / CFA, acquired in co-curricular, extra or extra-curricular form.

    What are the ways to compete? A decree from Mi will say that

    The budget document also explains that the content of advertisement, I Terms and the How to apply, I Addresses evaluable Methods of conducting the tests, I Standards for evaluating qualifications and exams, as well as configure Committees Appropriate assessment and measurement of Input borne by the participants controlled By decision of the Minister of Education to be approved Within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the budget law.

    It has also been clarified with regard to Final Ranking, will be valid for one year and will expire with approval of the ratings referring to the next competition.

    How many places are in the competition?

    The number of vacancies to be announced (taking into account also the staff needs related to the implementation of the PNR) will be announced in the first months of 2022, when the number of retirees will be known.

    Alt Posts

    In the event that competition classifications are not approved in time for teacher recruitment, fixed-term contracts may also be established by relying on the Gps (Provincial Ranking of Substitutes) in relation to the competition categories. A048 – Exercise and sport sciences in secondary education institutions and A 049 – Science of exercise and sports in the preparatory stage.

    Will the kinesthetic teacher be able to perform the function of teacher of other disciplines at the same time in primary school?

    No, the budget law defines that A physical education teacher in primary school is equivalent, in terms of legal and economic status, to teachers of the same educational level and He cannot enroll in other elementary courses.

    For all of the following regular competitions for which we are waiting for conditions to reopen, does the English Certificate allow for registration? Yes, let’s see what the terms are.

    What is the value of a competitive English language certificate?

    Level C1 awards 1.5 points, and Level C2 awards 2 points for normal and extraordinary competition.

    school technology LanguageCert is a registration center that offers English language certificates with online exams.

    LanguageCert is a certification body regulated by Ofqual and Qualifications Wales and is a UK Home Office approved SELT test company. It offers high-level exams that are officially recognized by a growing number of British and international higher education institutions, government organizations and bodies, including MIUR in Italy.

    Confirm your English skills with us

    How to get another score for the school quiz

    MASTER: I’m at level 60 CFU

    Gives 0.50 points for normal and extraordinary competitions

    • School teacher support number
    • Teaching children’s language
    • Computational thinking skills in programming
    • Skills and methodologies for teaching digital animation
    • Autism: From diagnosis to educational psychological intervention
    • Instructional methodologies for integrating pupils with specific learning disorders (SLD)
    • Teaching Italian as a second language (L2)
    • New teaching methods for languages: multimedia, flipped learning and Clil
    • at school today
    • Bullying: Explanation of phenomena, prevention and education

    Advanced Courses – 60 ECTS

    Gives 0.50 points for normal and extraordinary competitions

    • Instructional methodologies for integrating students with SLD
    • Teaching methodologies, curricula, and inclusion of students with special educational needs (BES)
    • School teacher support number
    • Bullying: Explanation, Phenomena, Prevention, and Education
    • Managing learning difficulties from the perspective of educational psychology
    • professional advice
    • Computational thinking skills in programming
    • Skills and methodologies for teaching digital animation
    • Teaching children’s language
    • Learning difficulties in cases of disabilities and school integration
    • Innovative Practices with Instructional Technologies: Tablet and Multimedia Whiteboard (IWB)
    • The good school. educational methodologies

    Preparatory courses for the school competition

    To prepare for the competition, take the course school regulations handbook, As per Appendix A of Regular competition for high school.

    To prepare for the competition, take the course School regulations guide according to Annex A for the regular competition for kindergarten and primary schools.

    To prepare you in pedagogical pedagogical topics, the course Basic pedagogical knowledge of the teacherAnd Highschool.

    To prepare you in pedagogical pedagogical topics, the course Basic pedagogical knowledge of the teacherAnd Kindergarten and primary school.

    To prepare you for digital teaching topics, the E-learning course New trends in teaching, between digital and innovation, stomach for Teachers of all levels.

    disciplinary areas

    To prepare in the disciplinary philosophical field, Competition Class A18, take the course Preparing for the regular competition for philosophy and humanities. Care Angelo Morales.

    To prepare in the disciplinary philosophical field Competition Class A19, take the course Preparing for the regular history and philosophy competition, Care Salvatore Di Stefano.

    To prepare for the regular competition in the language field, follow the course Regular English QuizAnd Competition class A24, A25.

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