Home entertainment “Pretend It’s a City”: Trailer for Fran Lebowitz Netflix Documentary Film by...

“Pretend It’s a City”: Trailer for Fran Lebowitz Netflix Documentary Film by Martin Scorsese Has Been Released


The project follows Lebowitz, known for her humor and social commentary, as she scours the city she has become synonymous with.

“Fran Lebowitz knows what she likes – and what she doesn’t like,” says Netflix of the project, slated to launch on January 8th. “She won’t wait for an invitation to tell you.”

It also contains interviews with a 70-year-old essay writer, which allowed her to bemoan the problems she is seeing in her city – in the trailer, Lebowitz targets the subway system and the presence of a library in the middle of Times Square.

“For decades, the pundit and the essay writer have voiced her views, sometimes with a complaint, and always in an uproar,” Netflix said.

“A New Yorker to the core, Lebowitz provoked a frank talk to an art form, combining her stale remarks about the city and its residents in a powerful and running commentary, one that does not dissuade anyone.”

The project sees Scorsese return to the broadcast stage, following the release of his epic 2019 film “The Irishman” starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci.

On January 7, Netflix will release another production overseen by the legendary director. Scorsese’s “Pieces of a Woman” follows a couple sailing in the aftermath of a miscarriage.

The New Year period is usually crowded for new releases on live streaming services, and Netflix is ​​seeing increased competition from new competitors.

The company recently announced price increases for the service, and Other streaming platforms are expected to do the same in what is fast becoming a bustling industry.
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