Portoliana Library, new study spaces available

    Portoliana Library, new study spaces available

    And children’s and teenage rooms in “Arriva Berty!” – Portoliana Library, new study spaces available

    Four new reading and study rooms

    Available to adults, teens and children is open at Bertollian Libraryin Palazzo San Giacomo and in Palazzo Costantini.

    The event was attended by the mayor, the education and culture advisors, the municipal councilor in charge of youth policies, the president of the Biblioteca Bertoliana, the co-artistic director of La Piccionaia, and the president of the Amici della Bertoliana.

    there The bag-room in Palazzo San Giacomo and the classroom on the ground floor of Palazzo Costantini It was created thanks to the approval of an amendment submitted to the City Council by the Chancellor in charge of Youth Policies with the aim of increasing the number of meeting, meeting and study spaces for young users of the Bibliotheca Bertoliana also after requests for spaces received after the Covid emergency.

    The class room on the ground floor of Palazzo Costantini was created with Collaboration with La Piccionaia as part of the project “e mò ti con / Illustration the emotion”.

    The modification also made it possible to create the cloister in Palazzo San Giacomo with painted galleries and pews, completed in July 2021.

    Finally, through the economic support of the municipal administration and Fundraiser “Here Comes Bertie!” , promotedFriends of the Portoliana Societyopened on the first floor of Palazzo Costantini Two rooms are for children and teenagers Up to 14 years old, she is decorated with paintings by the painter Ale Giorgini.

    Bertollian Library

    It is increasingly emphasized that it is a place frequented by people of all ages who need spaces to consult and read but also to study together and play – the mayor explained -.

    Thanks to the initiative of the consultant in charge of youth policies, the collaboration between Pigeon House, Friends of Bertoliana, Municipal Administration and Bertoliana has decided to support various proposals to meet the needs of users. The library thus has new rooms available with different and particularly welcoming characteristics. The rearrangement of other spaces will soon also affect neighborhood libraries.”

    “The new spaces created provide young people with additional opportunities to meet in spaces specially prepared for them – stated the Commissioner for Education –. The attention that the University places on the benefits that students can derive from having welcoming spaces available to study in is significant and tangible.”

    “Reading and studying are essential for learning and knowledge. Offering welcoming spaces is essential even if it is not taken for granted especially with the budgetary difficulties that every institution faces. La Bertoliana has taken into account the needs of its users and with all those present here has been able to obtain an excellent result, which is A sign that cooperation helps achieve goals ”- stressed the culture advisor.

    “It is with some personal satisfaction

    Today we present and inaugurate these two new study spaces in the Biblioteca Bertoliana – explained the consultant in charge of youth policies: the new scholarship room of the Palazzo San Giacomo and the new classroom on the ground floor of the Palazzo Costantini have been renovated thanks to their launch several months ago with an adjustment to the budget of about 10 Thousands of euros, presented as Director General for Youth on March 17, 2021 and built after several moments of listening and discussion with university students who frequent the spaces of Portoliana and with university representatives of the two organizations Jest and Progetto Studenti, between which a precious relationship of continuous dialogue has been established.

    Strong political and administrative commitment

    Which I decided to adopt as a result of the increasing demands for study places from young students, especially university students, in our city, also due to the restrictive conditions and the share of places imposed by the Covid-19 epidemic at the time. The measure received unanimously in the City Council – continues – and which today, after months of work and site inspections carried out with the distinguished staff of Portoliana and with representatives of the University, makes it possible to expand the services and spaces provided to the Vicenza fabric of students, demonstrating that attention to the needs of Youth is possible and should be.

    I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this outcome, especially the Chair and Principal of Bertoliana, the Jest Chair and the Student Project Chair, as well as all the boys and girls I have interacted with over the years. Moreau liked to say that politics is above all “listening and patience”: I am convinced of this that, after building a good course of listening and discussion, we were able to formulate a clear response to the needs of the students and lay more solid foundations for the university. development of our city.

    La Pertoliana has been questioning herself for several years

    Towards which idea and which model of the library should we evolve – stated the head of the Bertoliana Library -. Among the responses that are implemented on the basis of it is the promotion of open services for citizens, and keeping pace with the cultural and generational shifts of the city. Helping this is the redevelopment that we carry out of its dimensions as a real physical place, spaces available to people, and thus also the promotion of new community relations. We do this in decentralized offices but above all in the offices of the historic center, where we have focused on offering new realities, including children and adolescents, those spaces and those opportunities that their generation requires: places of gathering, interaction with training and leisure to meet their multifunctional and multimedia needs.

    the The first interventionconcluded in July 2021And

    It comesSummer convent residence at Palazzo San Giacomo, en plein air living room in Bertoliana, which, after arranging the floors in Euganean trachyte, was given new furniture with colorful seating areas. The cloister, a quadrangular roof garden with an ancient chamber in the center to protect the well-hole (currently being restored by Injem Veneto), now offers students of Palazzo San Giacomo access to a renovated outdoor space, quiet, green and relaxing.

    Another intervention at headquarters St James’s Palace

    It comes bag room, which is an area intended not only for storing bags and backpacks for those who study in the place, but also a place for coffee breaks, meeting places and group work. In December 2022, the room was equipped with new metal lockers for storing bags, functional tables for group study, and tables and benches for coffee breaks: here for several months, library users also had some newspapers available for casual reading.

    seat Constantine Palace Have participated in various interventions. A very high attendance public reading library, saw Increase service hours in 2022now also on Sunday afternoons (seven days a week).

    The main headquarters of the group study and the meeting room lacked:

    That is why it was created On the ground floor is a new public space Bertoliana makes it possible for those who visit the site to study, work together, discuss and meet. Witnessed the opening of the new room In collaboration with La Piccionaia with him Project e mò ti con/demonstrate emotionBorn in 2018 to promote new artists, with special attention to new generations.

    Since 2020, the Bertoliana Library has in fact been home to the project: in addition to hosting the exhibition at Palazzo Cordellina during the summer, it has named the new space of Palazzo Costantini room /e.mo.ti.con/ Because a selection of works that won previous editions and continues from today has been shown here to increase the archive material donated by the La Piccionaia Center for Theatrical Productions to the Library to make it a cultural heritage of the city.

    “It is an initiative created to bring visual art and theater into dialogue at the same time – explains Co-Artistic Director of La Piccionaia -.

    Over the course of the various editions, the interest of many young artists from all over the world has grown: in fact, more than 350 illustrators from Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, Canada, the USA, Russia, Israel, Iran, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Argentina and Chile participated.

    Thus an international network of new artists developed, in dialogue with each other through the tool of imagery, in an exploration of emotions capable of leading the observer on a journey towards imaginary worlds, but also through reflections on the contemporary world.

    Planning is hard and crucial

    He finally got involved Rearrangement of the children’s and adolescent rooms of the Public Library on the first floor of the Palazzo.

    The municipality financed the intervention in the amount of 32 thousand euros, with the support ofFriends of the Portoliana Society who promoted to Crowdfunding Project Here Comes Bertie!a campaign launched in 2021 with the aim of supporting the municipality’s project to build new rooms for children (0-6 years) and adolescents (7-14 years).

    The Amici della Bertoliana raised €12,000, useful for promoting the decoration and technological implementation of these spaces through game consoles, interactive screens and audio-visual listening outlets.

    The painter from Vicenza Ali Georgini I, in turn, collaborated on creating the logo for this new library space and the new room panels to make it very colorful and unique.

    Friends of Bertoliana –

    The President of the Society announces – They enthusiastically accepted the invitation to raise funds to build rooms for the very young users of the Library.

    We immediately believed in this project because we saw for ourselves that the old rooms for children were unattractive and not quite in keeping with the times. The young users of these new rooms will be the users of tomorrow and it’s good if they immediately start visiting Bertoliana’s buildings in a fun but constructive way. Moreover – he continues – we have heard the voices of many mothers who have complained that the historic center of the city offers few spaces for children and demanded that something be set aside for the age group under 14 years.

    The Amici della Bertoliana is therefore on the side of managing the library not only for the restoration of ancient books and manuscripts, but also for those initiatives that go beyond its strict planning, but are very useful to the citizens and users of the buildings in exchange for the “Riale”.

    On this occasion, the Bertoliana Library has made an additional investment, also providing for Rearrangement of some children’s areas in all five provincial offices: Anconetta, Laghetto, Riviera Berica, Villaggio del Sole and Villa Tacchi.

    For central offices and branches, the total cost of furnishing interventions amounted to 102 thousand euros.

    Vicenza, March 20, 2023

    The source is the press office of the municipality of Vicenza

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