Home World Pope: The Church is in trouble, only the dead do not enter...

Pope: The Church is in trouble, only the dead do not enter into a crisis – Ultima Ora

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(ANSA) – VATICAN CITY, AUGUST 03 – “The Church always has difficulties, she always goes through crises, because she is alive: living things enter into crisis. Only the dead do not enter into crisis.” This is what Pope Francis said in a video about prayer intentions in August, dedicated to the Church.

The Pope invites us to reform the Church and make it more “missionary” than ever before. “We begin to reform the Church by reforming ourselves. Without preconceived ideas, without ideological prejudices, without rigidity – as Pope Francis affirms – but progress from a spiritual experience, a donation experience, a loving experience, a service experience. I dream of a more missionary option, one that goes to meet the other without Evangelization and transforms all its structures for the evangelization of today’s world.”

And the Pope concludes: “The vocation of the Church is evangelization, and this does not mean evangelization, no. The vocation is evangelization. And what is more: the identity of the Church is evangelization,” concludes the Pope (ANSA).

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