Pope Francis, health conditions after hospitalization

    Pope Francis, health conditions after hospitalization

    Pope Francis has been admitted to Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital due to breathing difficulties. CT scan excludes pneumonia but confirms a lung infection. Also except for covid. The first night in the hospital went “like zit”. Bergoglio still has some fever streaks, but his condition is still recognized as good by the doctors treating him, who say they are confident of his recovery. Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican Press Office, reassured: “He rested well during the night, the clinical picture is gradually improving, and the planned treatments are continuing.”

    the main points

    Mattarella to the Pope: Best wishes for a speedy recovery

    Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery to Pope Francis. This was stated by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking at the Lega del Filho d’Oro demonstration.

    Out Gemini TV crew and believers in prayer

    Since yesterday evening, several television crews and information staff have taken over the outer stations, in an area near the entrance to Gemelli Hospital, to explain Pope Francis’ admission to the hospital. Some patients upon leaving the hospital comment on the Pope’s presence and above all affirm their personal prayers for the Pope’s speedy recovery. The security system inside the hospital, which is entrusted to the Vatican Gendarmerie, has been strengthened compared to yesterday. There are also men from the Italian police under the direction of the new Vatican Inspectorate Director, Questor Messino.

    Becciu: “I pray for the Pope”

    Even Cardinal Angelo Becchio, among the ten defendants in the ongoing trial in the Vatican court over the financial scandal linked to the sale of the London building on Sloane Street, joins the prayers of the faithful from all over the world. And his message, “I join the faithful from all over the world and also pray that Pope Francis recovers quickly and continues his apostolic ministry.”

    BIDEN: Worried about Francis

    “He is a dear friend.” Therefore, Joe Biden said that he was concerned about Pope Francis by responding, on the sidelines of his meeting with the Argentine President, Alberto Fernandez, to questions from journalists at the White House, shortly after he learned of the news of the Pope’s hospitalization.

    “Church of Rome close to Francis”

    “The Church of Rome expresses all its love and closeness to its bishop, Pope Francis, and affirms its continuous prayers, stronger in this difficult moment, wishing him a speedy recovery” reads it in a note from the Vicar, led by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis.

    In a tweet, the Franciscans prayed for the Pope

    “Dear #PopeFrancis, our prayers are for you. We ask the Lord to give you solace, strength and a speedy recovery”: Tweet of Franciscans praying for the Pope

    Rule out heart problems and pneumonia

    The Pontiff will continue to be treated for respiratory infections and will continue examinations which, as far as he has been learned, rule out heart problems and pneumonia.

    The Pope spent a quiet night

    Pope Francis spent a quiet night, “as smooth as oil,” according to what the American News Agency (ANSA) learned from sources close to him, on the tenth floor of the Gemelli infirmary, where the Pope has been hospitalized since yesterday in the private apartment of the popes. Respiratory infection. Health professionals “are very optimistic, and believe that there will be celebrations for next Sunday. Except for unforeseen events, of course,” they still report. From the first moments, Massimiliano Strabetti, 54, was with the Pontiff, a nurse so close and with whom Bergoglio listened that it was he who persuaded him to have a colon operation three years ago. Today Pope Francis will certainly stay in the hospital.

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