Pneumonia, 10 things we can do to prevent it according to science

    Pneumonia, 10 things we can do to prevent it according to science

    Community-defined pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, caused by viruses and bacteria like the usual seasonal influenza.

    The most common bacteria that may technically cause it is called Streptococcus pneumoniae or, more easily, pneumococcus.

    This is usually located in the nasopharyngeal canal. However, in some people and under certain conditions, it can cause respiratory infections.

    People at risk may be: alcoholics, smokers but also those who have quit, those with asthma or COPD, those with immunosuppression, generally over 65 years of age and children under 5 years of age.

    So, the data on pneumococcal pneumonia will not be the best: in 2016, for example, 336.5 million cases were registered.

    After some time, experts, as referred to in this one publishing From Humanitas, he cautioned that not much has changed in the management of this rampant disease.

    However, the importance of working to improve antibiotic treatment, diagnostic times and scheduled examinations over time has recently been established.

    In addition, the scientific community has also focused on the importance of community information and the prevention of pneumonia.

    Therefore, in this article we will focus on this last aspect.

    Treatment and possible long-term complications

    Before delving into the all-important world of prevention, let’s start with a basic consideration.

    To treat community-acquired pneumonia, basic practice includes taking specific antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Despite this, the effectiveness of the treatment will not be guaranteed for everyone, because some people have developed resistance to the antibiotic.

    Moreover, we must think of pneumonia as a moment of shock to our respiratory system, which, even if resolved with an antibiotic, can have a consequence.

    In the most vulnerable people, there may be long-term complications such as:

    • nervousness, such as dementia or cognitive disorders;
    • Cardiovascular diseases, such as clots, strokes, and heart attacks;
    • Those of a musculoskeletal nature.

    For these reasons, it is necessary to be well acquainted with the disease, and even more so, with forms of prevention.

    Pneumonia, 10 things we can do to prevent it according to science

    So we come to the heart of the matter.

    This trusted publication Humanitas gives us some important suggestions, providing some precautions that we can easily take to prevent pneumonia in the community.

    So if we don’t want to deal with pneumonia, here are 10 things we can do to prevent it according to science:

    1. Get free flu and pneumococcal vaccinations for those over their 60s, all children and that at-risk segment of the population;
    2. Do not take antibiotics that have not been prescribed or prescribed by a doctor;
    3. Limit alcohol consumption.
    4. avoid cigarette smoking and avoid secondhand smoke;
    5. Air often changes the environments in which we live and work;
    6. sanitize and wash your hands frequently, especially before eating or bringing them close to your mouth and eyes;
    7. coughing or sneezing while covering the mouth with a tissue or into an elbow tie;
    8. Always throw tissue paper away after using it, so don’t keep it for other uses and don’t put it on different surfaces;
    9. Pay attention to the diet, which should provide adequate support for the immune system;
    10. You have, in general, a healthy but also active lifestyle.


    Few people may know this but this type of prevention will be very important for women even before the age of 40.

    (The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice and/or the opinion of a specialist. Moreover, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or prescribing treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to seek an opinion Always doctor or specialist and read the warnings provided. Who is the”)
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