Home science PlayStation Studios are growing organically, not in reaction to Xbox – Nerd4.life

PlayStation Studios are growing organically, not in reaction to Xbox – Nerd4.life

PlayStation Studios are growing organically, not in reaction to Xbox - Nerd4.life

In recent weeks, we have witnessed various movements within the main teams that comprise them PlayStation Studios. Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games, Sony Santa Monica, and Sony San Diego, to name a few, are setting new profiles to work on several projects that have yet to be announced. But behind all this, Christopher Dring, president of the GamesIndustry niche, sees nothing strange. It is, in fact, one Organic growth, A process that has been going on for several years now e Not a response to Microsoft And aggressive Xbox Studios acquisition policy. If anything, the opposite is true.

Seeing what is happening inside PlayStation Studios, many become suspicious, even the “Independent Analyst” Benji Sales. “We’re starting to get evidence that several first-party Sony studios may start working on more gamesHe said on Twitter.Perhaps as a reaction to Microsoft’s aggressive takeover policy. Instead of buying randomly, Sony is promoting its developers“.

Benji-Sales talks about John Sweeney’s transformation from Naughty Dog to Insomniac, Sony Santa Monica not only has the god of war in the business, Naughty Dog has many open positions for a new project, and Sony San Diego who will also be working on a series already known on engines Especially.

Unfortunately, this is a natural process that usually occurs between two generations of controllers. But it’s also something that’s been going on inside PlayStation Studios for some time and it’s not in response to Microsoft. There is one thing Christopher Dring, Head of GamesIndustry, never fails to explain to an analyst. “This has been happening for some time now. Sony Studios Grow Organically From 2 generations, B teams became AAA Studios, and AAA Studios established a second team. At best, Microsoft’s acquisitions are a reaction to that, not the other way around“.

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