Home Economy Pay attention to the signed letter from Poste Italiane

Pay attention to the signed letter from Poste Italiane

Pay attention to the signed letter from Poste Italiane

New scam against PostePay holders. The phishing message launched by scammers is trying to deceive thousands of users.

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Use technology to accomplish a An increasing number of operations It attracts the attention of criminals who try to defraud savers. Users, especially those unfamiliar with the web, can easily fall into well-designed traps by those who hope to make money by deceiving others. Since the card PostePay It is used by many people, it has become the tool that fraudsters use to manipulate the inexperienced.

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PostePay scam, pay attention to the message

the web

The crooks’ maneuvers start from تبدأ Phishing messages. The content attempts to intimidate the recipient into entering personal data and information. These SMS almost completely repeat the original messages of the reference bank or institution in such a way as to convince the user of the sincerity of the request.

The latest text that sparked a panic among PostePay customers confirms that the user and the functionality in the Intesa account you own has been disabled. The expressed motive is the achievement of the activity threshold granted at which it is then necessary to verify certain personal information. So he asks Update data by accessing a link Which is similar to the official PostePay portal but actually it is not.

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How to defend yourself from potential deception

Although signed by PostePay, Email is fake It aims to deceive users. To protect yourself from this phishing message, as well as from many others that may arrive, remember that your personal data should not be redirected over the Internet unless you are sure that it has been opened. Official Page Bank, Poste Italiane or any other reference institution.

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Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to the link (often it does not contain .it or .com) and toSpell text. In fact, the presence of grammatical errors should be an effective alarm bell for identifying a fraud. Moreover, not only emails are subject to phishing, but also Even phone calls, SMS or Whatsapp messages. Attention should always be high and therefore it will be possible to avoid receiving bitter surprises.

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