“Passion and Pride.” who is this. Video


    Mariangela Zappia is the first woman to represent Italy in Washington. “It is with passion and pride that I take up the position of Ambassador of Italy to the United States today, a country with which we have a profound and extraordinary friendship. As allies, Italy and the United States work side by side to protect peace and security in the world, fight the pandemic and climate change, advance universal rights and gender equality, and ensure the values ​​that underpin our beautiful democracies.”

    “The relations between our two countries – he notes – have ancient roots, and a dense network of relations nourished every day thanks to their fellow countrymen and the many Italian companies operating in the United States, and the millions of Italian Americans and their cultural heritage, to the women and men in uniform who They are greatly appreciated here, to the 15,000 Italian scientists and researchers cooperating with American institutions to advance the progress of science and medicine.”

    “Reinforced by our traditions and our past – he continues – we look forward with optimism to the future, to the vitality of exchanges and relationships in all sectors, from science to culture, from innovation to technology, from space to university, to education.” “I am honored – he adds – to begin my mission in the phase of reopening after the many months marked by the pandemic, and to ensure that Italy supports this phase of a fundamentally relaunching of the transatlantic relationship. President Biden’s recent mission to Europe, and the strong harmony of the United States with the countries of the group The G7, NATO allies and the European Union are witnessing a new momentum in favor of working together to tackle common challenges.

    He promised that Italy “will continue to play a leading role. As the G20 Presidency, we will gather in October the leaders of the world’s most important economies in Rome; as co-chair of the 26th Climate Change Conference, we will be at the forefront of the challenge of protecting the environment. A few days ago, Minister Di Maio presided over and Minister Blinken in Rome meeting of ministers of 83 members of the anti-ISIS coalition, which demonstrates the common iron will to continue to combat extremism and ensure the safety of our citizens. The citizens. The G20 foreign ministers met in Matera to stress the importance of promoting multilateralism. The first meeting between President Draghi and President Biden confirms The various meetings between Minister de Maio and Minister Blinken the extraordinary nature of our relations, in the year in which we celebrate our 160th anniversary, with a rich calendar of initiatives and events organized throughout. He emphasized, addressing the “idea of ​​gratitude and sincere dedication to President Mattarella”.

    “I begin my mission in the United States – and concludes – with enthusiasm, on the eve of the anniversary of the 4th of July, a date that recognizes a ‘new independence’, far from the virus that has so deeply disturbed our lives, and which still sees us united in this common challenge. The path of rebirth for Italian and American communities. I am happy and honored to do it with all of you.”

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