Home Economy Open Fiber’s new CEO is Francesca Romana Napolitano – Ultima Ora

Open Fiber’s new CEO is Francesca Romana Napolitano – Ultima Ora

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(ANSA) – ROME, August 14 – At Open Fiber, with Enel leaving the arena and handing over to Australian Infrastructure Fund Macquarie in contribution, the change in governance will also arrive on the eve of August 15. The Board of Directors has appointed Francesca Romana Napolitano as the new CEO, having acknowledged the irrevocable resignation of the positions of CEO and General Manager submitted by Elisabetta Ripa.
The arrival of a new CEO. Francesca Romana Napolitano, at the same time as her appointment “introduced a new organizational structure to the Board of Directors which – the company explained – envisages the appointment of Mario Rossetti as general manager”. In this case, too, the choice fell on the director: they are two internal solutions that seem to indicate a desire to continue, at least at this point, in the name of continuity.
With Franco Passanini remaining in the presidency.
With the departures of Elisabetta Ripa and Mario Rossetti from the board of directors, the board appointed attorney Giuseppe Conte and attorney Alessandro Tonetti as new directors. (handle).

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