Once again it is impossible to visit the sick

    Once again it is impossible to visit the sick

    More than sixty percent of infections per week, an increase, albeit limited in hospitalizations, a slight rise in intensive care. The picture in Friuli Venezia Giulia on the Covid front is getting darker. The first crackdown, even if not complete, was carried out by hospitals, RSA and above all nursing homes.

    closed doors

    It is precisely the health care, the most fragile point of the entire system, that has begun to arm itself to prevent new tears from forming. In most nursing homes, even if all guests are vaccinated, access to relatives has been closed. Don’t go in for visiting guests either because there is a real risk of bringing the virus inside. Only in special cases is it accessible, but by appointment and with the guest who was taken out of the bedroom and placed in a secluded place. However, the fact remains that, specifically to prevent outbreaks from within, access networks have been tightened in 90 percent of retirement homes. Operators have also been asked to pay attention. If before, in short, with the green lane and all the precautions you could go to visit a relative, now the doors are closed.


    The region did not impose any particular restrictions, so the Ministry of Health itself, however, extended the mandatory nature of the mask until the end of October. In any case, in almost all hospitals in the region, the same medical directors, in close cooperation with the general managers of companies, decided to make the wards and all services safer. Divergent entrances to the emergency room will be returned: symptomatic patients will enter from one side, and in all other cases they will be accessed, instead, from the appropriate entrance. All inpatients will be cleared, a procedure that has already been performed.


    No one has access to accompany other people to the emergency room, and visits in the ward have been changed for a few days. To tell the truth, in some hospitals (Trieste Cattinara and Gorizia) relatives arrive only by appointment, while in Udine the access has not yet changed. Different words in Pordenone. In addition to the schedules, in fact, it is necessary to have a mask, a green pass, and in some departments the temperature is also taken for those arriving from outside. “At the moment – medical director Michele Chitaro explains – we have maintained access as in recent weeks, but it happens that in some departments, when Covid is hospitalized, it is not possible to enter precisely to avoid the passage of the virus.” Yesterday in Santa Maria degli Angeli there were five wards closed to the public to enter the new hospital with Covid.

    sheltered dwellings

    Even in cases of RSA it is increasing and the situation is very problematic because hospitalized patients, as well as elderly and exhausted people, often need help and are the same relatives who provide it. Now access is restricted with all the consequences that can result from this.


    “It is normal that we are seeing an increase in cases – as the health advisor, Riccardo Riccardi explains – social life is back as it was before the pandemic, schools are open and with lower temperatures the popularity of meeting places is increasing. Back to previous positions, all closed at home, but the situation must be monitored.” Are you worried about the upside? “I am neither worried nor optimistic – concludes Ricciardi – I only say that it is necessary to check and check the situation well. Let us also say that there are no problems in the state for the maintenance of hospitals, but this does not mean that all precautions can be eliminated ». In any case, the data speaks for itself: not only is the increase already evident, but the trend continues to grow over the next few days.

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