Home science Nvidia will force laptop manufacturers to reveal GPU performance – Nerd4.life

Nvidia will force laptop manufacturers to reveal GPU performance – Nerd4.life

Nvidia will force laptop manufacturers to reveal GPU performance - Nerd4.life

NVidia Cards changed by changing their policy: laptop manufacturers would have to Provide consumers with performance details One of the RTX 3000 series GPU used inside the computer. The selection is a result of the growing anxiety of gamers seeing very different performance on laptops installing the same hardware.

Performance actually changes depending on the design and how it handles the heat of the chips. There are several laptops that feature the new RTX 3080 and 3070, however The offers are not easy to understand. So Nvidia wants this not to happen and for the gamer not to be confused in choosing a laptop. So the company asks the producers to be clear.

Will be required by laptop manufacturers indicare i core ei clock boost The RTX 3000 GPU is on the product page, allowing users to choose their PC with more conscientiousness. So the changes are in the hands of the producers, and according to reports, some have already rushed to follow the rules imposed by Nvidia.

Is sure of great idea, Especially considering that the stock of the RTX 3000 and laptops with the RTX 3000 is limited: without clear information and a desire not to miss out on the limited stocks, many can make a wrong purchase without even realizing it.

We also point out that GeForce Now has launched support for Google Chrome.

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