Nintendo confirms bootable windows on Switch

    Nintendo confirms bootable windows on Switch

    On the sidelinesNintendo’s latest financial report, Japanese company leaders have not provided information on Possible release of the new Switch console But they also provided clarifications about the launch window for the most anticipated exclusives.

    Thanks to the rich documents that Nintendo released with its financial results report for the fourth quarter of the 2021/2022 fiscal year, representatives of the Japanese video game giant have informed investors about the expected marketing timing of the upcoming exclusives between now and the coming months.

    The paragraph on the top first-party and third-party games that will be released on the Nintendo Switch over the next fiscal year mentions all the titles already announced by Kyoto House: none of the exclusives fans have been waiting for shouldn’t be put off. Until 2023.

    On the list compiled by Nintendo to report on video games released in 2022 (or at the latest, By the end of March 2023) we find like this Zelda Breath of the Wild 2And Bayonetta 3 NS Splatoon 3, Next to Kirby and the Lost Land NS Advance Wars 1 + 2 Re-Boot Camp. Also included in the list in question triangle strategy by Square Enix e Mario + Rapids sparks of hope, the awaited adventure in development at Ubisoft Milan.

    Unfortunately, from the financial report of Kyoto comes another confirmation of Nintendo doubts the launch of Metroid Prime 4, referred to as “a game with a provisional title and version not yet determined”.

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